i used to believe

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When i used to hear stories of rape on the news, I thought that people were being attacked by men with rakes.
Just makes sense, no?.. No I guess not.

Jonathan Beaton
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I used to think that Johnnie Cochran was saying," If it doesn't fit, you must have quit." I couldn't figure out why he wanted OJ to keep trying to make the glove fit. I just recently found out he was saying, "If it doesn't fit you must AQUIT." (Sad thing is that I was in high school during the OJ SImpson trial.)

slow to catch on
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As a kid at the Post Office I saw a wanted poster of Patty Hearst. I told my Dad we can look for her and if we capture her we can get the reward. He told me she was dangerous and if I saw her to tell a policeman and do nothing else. On the drive home I planned on how I would personally capture Patty Hearst if I saw her and turn her over to the police. When my Dad made a hard left turn my door flew open (I guess I did not shut it very well). It scared me to pieces and I believed it was a warning from Patty Hearst to leave her alone and don't even think of capturing her.

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when i was younger my granny was driving down the road and i saw a car with a dealer tag on it i asked her why the cops didn't just pull them over and arrest them because they were apparently drug dealers

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When I was little, I beieved that Horace and Jasper from the animated 101 Dalmations movie were going to climb in my second-floor bedroom window and kidnap me (It didn't help anything that my bed was right up against the windows).

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I used to believe "no fixed address" was a long, long street where all the criminals lived.

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Me and my cousin were watching tv (me being 12 and mycousin being 6)
And we were watching the news and there was a thing about a molester so he asked me what that was so I said oh you mean the guy named moe lester??? He's a famous guy that livs in orogon! Of course he believed me and I'm glad that noone heard becasue I didn't want my aunt to go into dep covo's about the good people in the world and bad people who want to hur you!
LOL good times man! That cracks me up but I guess you sorta have to be there for it to be funny but I think it's really funny!
Hey we all have our own points of veiws!

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When I was younger I always wanted to be kidnapped because I KNEW that the kidnapper would fall in love and change his mind and we would live happily ever after.

Hopeless Romantic
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When a person goes to jail, I thought that "jail" meant "hell" and they would spent 1-2 years burning in agony.

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That I would be attacked if I didn't sleep with at least a sheet covering my body...I was totally protected if I had the blanket too! It was really hot in the summer!

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i belived that little children could not sit in the front passsenger seat and if they did they went to prission and every time i heard a siren i ducked

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when i was litte, like 7 or so, i would always put my money away in a certain way, i would but the higher bills on the very bottom then the lowers bills then i'd cover it with quarters and then dimes and then nickles and then pennies, that way if someone came in through my money looking to steel my money they would think that i didn't have that much since they couldn't see it

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When I was very little I thought that there was a serial killer in England who would kill children. Reason? I thought that if you yelled into the vetalation (sp?) system loud enough, people in England could hear you and would answer back, but all they ever said was "bloody child" (My loving parents). The next year, we went to Britain for our summer holidays, and I was convinced my parents had made a deal with the killer. Did I mention the killer was named "Jack the Tripper" ? I got three's company and Jack the Ripper mixed up. (Don't ask me how I knew about the 1800's serial killer when I was 5.

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i used to think that if you didn't believe in god you went to prison!

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I used to think that it was not legal to dring ANYTHING (like a Coke® or something like it) and drive, since drinking and driving was against the law!

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I used to think that "don't drink and drive" meant don't drink a coke and drive.

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When I was around 10-12 years old, my best friend [who is also my cousin] let me know what rape was when I asked. She said "rape is when you grab a person by the sleeve of their shirt and make them have sex with you." i said "they have to grab your sleeve?" and she said "yes! they must grab the sleeve or else it's not really rape." ahahhahahhahahahhhahhahahhahahhahhahahhhahahahhhahahahaha. i find it funny when i think of how i believed that.

Valerie G.
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I used to believe that if you “burnt” a cd on to ITunes on your computer, so you could listen to it on your IPod, you were violating copyright rules.

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I too thought that rape was when a man came up to a woman on the street & tore off all her clothes. I had a good reason for believing that, though -- it was what my Mum told me when I asked her what "rape" meant. To this day, I still have that image when I hear the word, even though I now,unfortunately, know better.

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My mother left me in the car while she quickly went into a store. I noticed posted on the shop-window "Help Wanted". I immediately became terrified for my life, figuring they needed help to find a wanted criminal in the area.

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