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When I was a kid, I thought it was illegal to photocopy pages out of books, because of that message that says 'all rights reserved' and tells you not to copy out of the book without permission from the publisher, and thought people had to contact the publishing company just to get permission for that! Like the privacy policy that you get on the internet with so many websites, makes more sense as you get older and learn about new inventions.
for some reason i used to think that rapping someone was just hitting them with a rake.......don't ask
I used to think that jaywalking meant walking across the street naked.
I used to think that when you read letters to counsellors in children's magazines, saying 'I don't like my mum's boyfriend' or whatever, it meant that they had bad taste in something that they didn't agree on, like not agreeing on the same food or watching the same TV show, before knowing now that it usually means stuff about
There's this coffee house in Knoxville, Tennessee that I've gone to with my mother since I was little. It had a huge deck out back, and there was another little part down some steps. I remember some Gothic girls telling me that there were "bad people" under the stairs, so don't go under them.
I feared the space under the stairs, and avoided that part completely. Even now, I'm still a bit hesitant to walk near there.
I learned what an execution was when I was six, and the one I learned about was the beheading one. About three years later, I heard something about an execution on the news. I turned to my dad and said, "They still cut people's heads off? I thought that only happened in the olden days!" He then explained that most people just get a shot to make them die.
I used to believe when you broke a law, you would get fines if you were under 18 and go to jail if you were 18 or older.
when i use to hear the song "Bad Boys" from the cops theme i use to get scared because i thought bad people were gonna come and get me
I'd heard people talk about letter and legal size envelopes on TV, but I didn't know what it meant. I figured that all the envelopes we sent were the "legal" size, because the other size was "illegal."
I used to think rape was just holding people down by force onto a hard object. So I screamed that I was being raped when I was being restrained at school and disciplined onto a mat.
well it all started one day when my family went to Applebee's to eat .. and as most kids do i got a balloon when i was done eating. -later on that night- i had bunkbeds and i was getting ready for bed..i slept on the bottem(no one slept on top)so i went to bed .. i rarely wake up in the iddle of the night but that night i did and i was gonna get out of bed for something and as i was going to the edge of my bed i looked up and i was this big dark figure thing on the top bunk i was so scared i thought some crazy murder monster guy was on my top bunk and was going to kill me. so i screemed for my life i really though i was going to die. then in came my dad and turned on the light .. i found out the the crazy murder monster guy that was going to kill my was just the balloon i had gotten earler .. needless to say i got a new bed to i didn't have to think someone was one the top of it and going to kill me
When I was 7, on family road trips, we would stop in a town called Wallace, to fuel-up and get ice-cream. Once I overheard my parents comment about the prostitutes in Wallace. I thought by "prostitute" they meant "prosecutor", and my vision of a prosecutor was a very large man with black pants, muscular chest, a drooping black head mask, and a giant curved axe for cutting heads off. A cartoon executioner, in other words. I thought Wallace must be full of them. Why hadn't I ever seen them? That's probably for the best!
I usted to believe that J walking was gay walking
I thought that if you broke a law, you would get a fine if you were under 18, and go to jail if you were over 18.
When california had the night stalker nad I spent the night at my friend, who had a one story yellow house, I thought he was going to come and get me.
When I was little I thought that getting rapped was playing music in a park.
A long time ago my mother took me to see Ollie and Optie (a program that taught kids to be "safe"). The speaker told a story of a psycho killer who had kidnapped a little girl. When her parents where home. On the same floor. She described it in such detail that I thought that he could get me too, so I wouldn't go into my room and would constantly follow my mom around. So, basically it had a reverse effect. Bleh.
when i was younger i used to think an evil man would come and get me if i didn't go to sleep
When my father told us about how he was imprisoned and tortured by the Gestapo during the war, (WW2) I believed he once had been a criminal.
i use to believe that a killer would be at the bottom of the steps every time i would go up
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