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My wife's maid-of-honor had no idea what GHB (date rape drug). Once while at a party, my brother-in-law added sum rum to her soda bottle, put the cap back on, and handed it to her. She asked what it was and he told her "It's your soda, but I put GHB in it." She thought it was some type of alcohol and professed at her difficulty opening the cap:
"I can't open my GHB with my nails on!"
i was little when they used to show those anti drug commercials that showed an egg and said it was your brain, and then they showed the egg frying, and said that this was your brain on drugs, any questions? i took it literally. i refused to eat eggs. i started experimenting with drugs when i was like 16. right before i turned 18, i ate scrambled eggs for the first time. the morning after me and one of my friends were up all night pill popping.
When I was about 9, my dad came home from a PTA meeting where they had shown a scare film about drugs. In a somewhat agitated state, he wanted to make sure I knew that if anyone offered me drugs, I should say no. He never went into any detail as to what these drugs might look like, so I had to imagine the bigger kids cornering me on the playground and forcing me to drink cough syrup. For the most part, I said no to drugs, but when I was 21, I had a roommate who had had some addiction issues. He told me the same story!
I used to think people did drugs and dumped toxic waste just to be evil, because no one ever explained why they *really* did it. (I also thought I was going to ride an ostrich in heaven. Actually, I still think that.)
top belief!
I used to believe that "paraphernalia" was "pair of vanilla." I couldn't understand why people would be arrested for having two of a flavor.
i used to believe... that if I smushed bread into a ball it would turn into dope (like marijuana)... and I was too scared to eat it.
My mom called it dough when it was smushed and I was confused.
In 7th grade my friend came to me in the morning and she looked a bit sad so I asked what happened. It turned out the morning bus conversation was about 'getting stoned' and when they asked my friend if she knew what it meant she replied yes, it's when stones are thrown at someone until they die. They laughed at her and told her she was wrong. I told my friend that those kids were idiots because that's what 'getting stoned' meant. I didn't find out for another year that it meant smoking pot.
I used to believe that joints were just regular cigarettes. I was 6 and my friend who was about 12 handed me a joint and I took a few tokes. And then I felt guilty and ran home to my mom telling her I smoked a cigarette, need less to say she found out it was weed and my friends dad went to prison for selling his daughter weed.
One time I was browsing a head shop with a friend of mine. She made a crack about smoking bowls. From then on I believed that people could smoke marijuana out of a cereal bowl.
I explained that to my fiance, and he still teases me about it. Consequently, our slang for weed is Cap'n Crunch.
When I was in 2nd grade, some kids in my class would crush smarties (the candy) and suck them up their noses! They claimed they were "snorting smack".
All of my friends in elementary and middle school were nerds, and I never associated with anyone else until I met a neighborhood girl who was... decidedly not nerdy. I was amusingly sheltered at the time, and when she told me she smoked pot occasionally, I naturally assumed that she was going to die a horrible death, because DRUGS ARE BAD. I cried my eyes out the night after she told me, until my dad found me and asked what was wrong. Then he laughed and proceeded to tell me about alllllll the drugs he had done in his younger days. I was quite reassured.
I grew up in a suburb outside of Chicago and there was an osco drug store in our town. When I was sick once, my mom was driving me from the doctors office to osco to get medication, and when I saw the sign "Osco Drug Store" I was really confused because I thought they sold illegal drugs there, i was nervous to go there because I thought bad people would be there. I didn't understand how a place like that hadn't been shut down. Thank you DARE for freaking me out..ha..After purchasing the medicine she explained to me how they don't sell illegal drugs and etc.
top belief!
When I was little during the "war on drugs" there was a Flintstones special on TV about drugs and peer pressure.
A boy on the program showed a character three marijuana joints.
I thought they were lemon wedges, and I didn't understand why they were so bad.
Until about five minutes ago, i used to think smoking a bowl was smoking an entire bowl full of marijuana at one time!
It was in Jr. High when i first heard of "weed" and "grass". Kids would talk about smoking it and it being illegal. I would wonder how can it be illegal, it's everywhere, it grows on everyone's lawn. And I thought why would you want to smoke grass, dogs pee and poop on it. It wasn't until highschool that i found out that "grass" wasn't literally grass. ( i never smoked it)
when my mother warned me that there were people who sold drugs, i thought that they were selling bad things on the street like a lemonade stand.
When i was 11, i was playing this video game, and one of the stores was a drug store. I thought it was horrible that they had something like that on a kids video game. I only knew about the bad drugs at that time. I was stupidfied to hear, that the stuff at the chemist can also be named drugs.
I believed when I was little that anyone with a cell phone was a drug dealer
sober meant that somebody cried alot
top belief!
When i was about 10 i saw on the bench a syringe (with no needle) that my mum had been using to squirt medicine into my baby sisters mouth, we had recently had a drug talk at school so i thought my mum was a drug addict...i seriously panicked.
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