I used to think that people who experimented with drugs actually put them in test tubes and did chemistry experiments to see what was in them. (I couldn't see how that would be any fun.)
When I was about five, our neighbors got busted for growing Marijuana. While we where watching the police take the guys away, I asked my mom what they'd done. She said that they’d been growing grass, meaning the slang term. I, not knowing anything about marijuana nor slang, was both scared and confused. I got scared thinking, "We're growing grass" and then confused when I thought "why are they arresting just these guys, almost everyone has grass!"
When I was little, someone made a comment about kids going behind the middle school to "do pot". I always envisioned a group of teenagers in the woods hanging around a big boiling, bubbling witch's cauldron (you know, the "pot").
I used to believe that drug stores sold illegal drugs and I couldn't work out how they got away with it.
I used to believe once you were drunk you were drunk forever. So when i was told the Beatles song 'I am the Walrus' was written while they were drunk, i kept asking when they'd written it and which songs they'd written after it as they must have all been written while they were drunk too...
My 13 year old friend thought,'til a couple of days ago, that people in England didn't take drugs because the Queen wouldn't aprove. He said I could put this on this site.
When I was in grade school I would hang out in the park with friend and some of the older kids would smoke pot. My mom asked me if I had ever tried it and I explained I had not. She told me it was a good thing because I would grow women breasts. Also one of the older kids in the neighborhood was already growing them because of this. Although he did smoke pot regularly I believe he was just overweight so I abstained for years believing this.
I thought the only people who did drugs were people who had tattoos and red pants did drugs. I never wore red pants.
When I was about 10 my mum asked me if I would ever sniff glue. I had no idea what she was talking about and so i asked her. She said that if i sniffed glue I would die. When I was about 11, I had a big fight with my parents and I was so wound up, I decided to "Kill myself". I got out my clag glue, wrote a will, took one sniff and convinced i was going to die. I started crying and woke up in bed an hour later, much to my relief!
When I was 14 my chemistry teacher asked our class what THC was. I raised my hand and almost fell out of my seat because I thought I knew the answer. I said "Isn't it used in hairspray?" The whole class laughed and he said "Dear you've got yourself some good hairspray!"
i used to think a "joint" you smoke was the same as the joints in your body...i couldn't figure out how you would get one of those out of your body, or how you would smoke it.
I used to think "Drug Stores" sold pot, crack, coke, etc. And I always wondered why they weren't worried about having a big sign up that said "Drug Store"--like did they think the police wouldn't see the signs?
As a 14 year old listening to "classic" Aerosmith albums I thought the line "sleeping late and smoking tea" from "Mama Kin" actually meant smoking tea leaves. Needless to say I spent many an afternoon rolling up my Mom's Orange Pekoe in looseleaf paper tring to catch a buzz!
My mom took me to see a screening of "The Wizard of Oz" on the local university campus in the early seventies, when I was about 8. During the movie, my mom said that people were smoking pot. I pictured people sucking on the spout of a teapot, not knowing the term. Had no idea it had anything to do with drugs.
My mom and I used to play this game "stranger danger" and one of the questions was "What do you do if someone offers you a Marijuana cigarette?" Well since I knew that regular cigarettes got smaller when people put them in their mouths, I assumed that they bit off a bit of the end of it each time they put it in their mouths, so I responded with confidence: "DON'T EAT IT!!!"
When I was growing up both of my parents smoked cigarettes, so I was familiar with the concept. When I was about four, I was outside playing in the yard and heard my mother yelling at my older brother. She was getting after him about "smoking grass". I, of course, plucked a bunch of it out of the ground and wondered to myself "now why would anybody want to do that?"
I was born in 1962. This meant that I was just beginning to become concious during the hippie era. I heard my mother go on about the horrors of LSD, and I wanted to know what it was, and how can you tell that someone is a person who takes it. Somehow I internalized that a person on LSD assumed the appearance of the swirly rainbows that one sees in an oil slick on top of a puddle in a parking lot. And that people who looked like this left trails behind them of colored light as they walked. I looked and looked to find people on LSD but never did find any. Not a one. Oh, well.
When I was in 1st grade a DARE officer came to school. He had a huge cabinet full of drugs and was telling the kids how theese were bad and you should never use any of them. I was looking in the cabnet and loudly proclaimed MY DADDY SMOKES cigrettes like that!!
The officers stared at me funny I didnt get it. I had no clue that A joint was not a regular cigrette.
I used to believe that Marijuana was a disease you got from smoking.
When I was a kid I heard that the Beatles did acid and I wondered if they melted from it.
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