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I thought that to be king or queen or president all you had to do was fill out a job application. Then at school I actually learned about the government system and I was like what the heck my way is better.
After Grange Hill's "Just say no campaign" that people would force me to take drugs ... if only.
I grew up in a suburb outside of Chicago and there was an osco drug store in our town. When I was sick once, my mom was driving me from the doctors office to osco to get medication, and when I saw the sign "Osco Drug Store" I was really confused because I thought they sold illegal drugs there, i was nervous to go there because I thought bad people would be there. I didn't understand how a place like that hadn't been shut down. Thank you DARE for freaking me out..ha..After purchasing the medicine she explained to me how they don't sell illegal drugs and etc.
When I was younger, and heard that people were on crack, I thought that meant they're buttcrack was on the front of their body, or they were sitting on a buttcrack. Only when I was seven did I realize that crack was a drug, from a friend.
I used to believe that when you where stoned to death you would be made to smoke heaps of cones and die.
When I was around 8 or 9 there was a sign in the school nurses office that said "Speed Kills" I always thought that it meant driving fast. Even though there were little pills in the picture background. I must have been 16 before I figured out what they meant.
I believed when I was little that anyone with a cell phone was a drug dealer
When I was about 9, my dad came home from a PTA meeting where they had shown a scare film about drugs. In a somewhat agitated state, he wanted to make sure I knew that if anyone offered me drugs, I should say no. He never went into any detail as to what these drugs might look like, so I had to imagine the bigger kids cornering me on the playground and forcing me to drink cough syrup. For the most part, I said no to drugs, but when I was 21, I had a roommate who had had some addiction issues. He told me the same story!
When i was in kindergarten, we had a class on drugs every Tuesday (well by drugs they ment taking medicine when you weren't supposed to. Later that year I spent the night at my grandma's and we went to Fannie Farmer's (the candy store). To me famer sounded like pharmacy and I thought we were going to buy illeagal drugs. I was so scared until we got in there. Then I was happy!
All of my friends in elementary and middle school were nerds, and I never associated with anyone else until I met a neighborhood girl who was... decidedly not nerdy. I was amusingly sheltered at the time, and when she told me she smoked pot occasionally, I naturally assumed that she was going to die a horrible death, because DRUGS ARE BAD. I cried my eyes out the night after she told me, until my dad found me and asked what was wrong. Then he laughed and proceeded to tell me about alllllll the drugs he had done in his younger days. I was quite reassured.
when i was born my mom was a meth addict but when she had me she quit but by the time i was 12 she was hooked again one day i was looking for a lighter (i was a bad kid i was going to smoke some weed with my friends)when i stumble upon this baggy full of meth i was young so i didn't know it was meth i thought it was sugar so i started eating it and well eating meth is the same as smoking it as soon as i realized it wasn't sugar i refilled the baggy with sugar sooner or later my mom notices and well lets say i never ate meth again
When I was very young, my sisters let me watch a modernized version (70's) of Frankenstein. There was a scene in which a man heard a knocking at the door and when he opened it, a disembodied hand fell out and started crawling towards him. From then on, that hand was under my bed and was gonna grab me if I stood next to it. I also thought that burglars were going to try to poke me with drug-filled needles and the only way to stop them was to keep the covers up to my chin, cause in my young mind, I didn't know how syringes worked and I thought that the covers would wipe off any poison before the needle reached me.
My friends sister told us that junkies put thier needles into toilet paper in public loos to give people aids. I would always try to wait and went home with rather dirty knickers on more than one occasion, and continued to believe it until a rather embarrassingly late age!
I used to belive that when ever somebody did grafiti that meant they did drugs.
I used to think marijuana cigarettes actually looked like pieces of chalk because I saw a picture of one in a book that had the paper folded over the tip.
When I was a kid my parents used to smoke pot right in front of me. And I kind of knew it was bad but I thought a joint was a kind of "home made cigarette". I figured this out on my own, Lol. Well, when I started kindergarten, my teacher was talking about drugs and asked if we had any questions. Needless to say i was curious that home made cigs weren't mentinend in this drug talk. I asked the teacher "My Mom and Dad smoke cigarettes, but they're funny cigarettes. They make them theirselves...."
Later, the teacher told my Mom that she knew what they were up to. But she said she woulden't turn them in as long as they promised to stop doing it around their kid! Man, is that messed up or what???
I used to believe that the word drug referred only to illegal drugs like pot or crack. So one time when my mother referred to a certain medicine I needed to take as a drug, I was very shocked. This was soon cleared up.
When I was 5 or 6, I found a syringe somewhere(in our garden I think), and my mom told me not to touch them, because they could be dangerous. Not knowing what drugs were, I thought they contained medicine, and medicine was deadly for us if we weren't sick.
one day i overheard a conversation between my mum and dad about my uncle and how he used to be a drug dealer, at school the next day i told all my friends and my teacher that my uncle was a drug dealer because I thought a drug dealer was someone who "dealt" to the norty men who done drugs little did i know that he was the norty man.... opps
when i was very little i saw the drug ad with the eggs, i was then sure that every time i had eaten fried eggs i had been taking drugs,as you could imagine i thought i was going to die
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