i used to believe

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I used to be convinced that Abraham Lincoln had been the first president of the United States. I held onto that belief for years, even in the face of overwhelming proof.

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I remember when i was little i asked my dad who the first person on earth was and he told me it was michael jackson! i actually believed him and whenever i heard the name on tv i was like, "wow, he must be really old!"

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well, this belief persisted into high school, until I was humiliatingly corrected in a history class, but since I'm STILL a kid I think it counts... I used to believe that Walt Whitman (poet) and Charles Whitman (guy who shot people from the tower in Austin TX) were the same guy, that later in life Walt Whitman went nuts and went up in that tower and shot everybody, and that this tower was called the ALAMO, and that's why they said "remember the Alamo", like "remember that time Walt Whitman went up in that tower and shot all those people?"

Ned Vizzini
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I thought Elgin's marbles we're pre-historic marbles, as in the sort you
play with. It wasn't until I walked around the display hall in the British
Museum, past all these really boring statues, turned round to my husband
(yes I was an adult before I figured it out) and said "so where are they
then? I can't see any marbles!", that I found out the truth (after he'd
finished laughing at me).

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I volunteer in a first grade classroom. One day the teacher asked the kids what the name of the ship was that the Pilgrims came to America on. One kid shouted out "The Cauli-flower!" It was so funny I almost burst out laughing. Then another kid said, "It's not the Cauliflower. It's the Cornflower." I guess the only part of "Mayflower" they could remember was the flower!

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my brother ( who is coming 13yrs old) recently told me he believes in the 2 world wars but doesn't believe in the rest of the history part from the irish famine! what put that idea into his hea di really dnt no!

Jules ( Northern Ireland)
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When I was in primary school and about 8, I came to the conclusion that Beatrix Potter made the Bayeux Tapestry, because I thought they were spelt similarily and obviously I got confused.

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I used to think the olden days came once every couple of years

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When I was little I thought those old photos and portraits (Napoleon, etal) with one hand in the front coat lapel meant that they were scratching.
Actually, maybe I was right.

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When I was about six or maybe seven or eight I had started to learn about slavery and for some reason I thought that around the year 1995 there would be an uprising of racists that would bring slavery back and that me and my mother would be made slaves and she would get beaten all of the time or maybe even killed and then I would be all alone and then I would get beaten. These thoughts plauged me until I learned about the Constitution.

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I used to believe that like the iron age and the bronze age there was a stayon age my grandmother always used to say 'in this day and age'

carrie moore
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Asterix was one of my favorite comics. One historical character there is Julius Caesar, however as I didn't not know how to pronouce his name then (was still a kid), I thought his name was Julius Casper, as that was the closest name I knew that started with 'C'. Was probably in high school until I discovered otherwise.

Lord DarkVale of the Clan Depari
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I used to believe that there were no dinosaur bones in America because I didn't think America existed until Columbus discovered it in 1492, and I knew dinosaurs died out millions of years ago. I didn't know how long ago that was, but I knew it was before 1492.

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I once read a book about a young woman growing up in the Victorian era, and at one point she talked about having to sew darts into her bodice. I figured that was how women defended themselves back then, by keeping sharp objects known as "darts" hidden in their bodices.

Rhiannon Stone
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I used to think that the Elgin Marbles were actually the kind of marbles we used to play in the street with, and not great big statues. I couldn't understand what all the fuss was about and why they wanted them back.

linda hurst
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I was a kid in the 60's, and used to believe that, because male hippies had long hair, all female hippies must have short hair. I just thought the whole point of being a hippie was to be contrary.

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For no readily apparent reason I used to think the history of the world was in my great-grandads long beard.


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i used to believe the underground railroad that the slaves used was really a railroad and i couldnt understand how they could afford all those trains and why they wouldnt get caught using them. i guess i know why i got the question about it worng then:)

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In our Kindergarten class, we were discussing the upcoming coronation of Queen Elizabeth (II, wise guy) in England. The teacher asked what she was before she was a queen. A girl answered, "a princess." The only princess I had ever heard of was the Indian Princess Summer-Fall-Winter-Spring on the "Howdy Doody" children's show. I thought that meant that the Queen had been an Indian and used to dress in buckskin and had had long, braided hair which was cut when she became queen.

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When I was very young I used to believe that all of history had taken place within living memory. My parents were quite put when I asked if they had been born in the stone age.

I also used to believe that somehow daytime didn't happen during the Second World War, because most of the photos I could remember seeing were of the Blitz in London.

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