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top belief!
When the Apollo missions were going on. I just could not believe how foolish the astronauts were, going out of their spaceships without their Ray gun's. What would happen if a space monster jumped them from behind a rock?
Also, I refused to believe my older brother when he told me that the Astronauts lived in only the very top bit of the massive Saturn V rockets & only the very tip of the rocket return to earth after the mission.
top belief!
Im Irish and had never heard of Martin Luther. When I moved to the USA I assumed Martin Luther King was his son.
Im also 35 and only found out last weekend that the 3 musketeers werent real...... I was flabergasted.
I believed many a strange thing really. After last week end Im beginning to wonder if half the things I believe are fairy tales
A family member (I don't remember who- not me, I swear) was once told to write a story in school. He began:
"Once upon a time when diosaurs ruled the earth and Grandad was a little boy..."!!!
top belief!
I am a teacher at a primary school and was very surprised when one of my pupils asked me whether I used to be a monkey apparently he had seen Darwins picture of the evolution of man and presumed thats where men came from.
this kid also thought that I was 48 when i was 25 and that the world used to be black and white
When I first read about Martin Luther (the Protestant founder), I thought the book was wrong and that they really meant Martin Luther King. I was so sure of this for weeks, and I pointed out to everyone how wrong the book was and they left the "King" off his name.
top belief!
When I was in kindergarten our class learned the song Rudolph the Red nosed Reindeer - and the line about him going down in history confused me, so I asked mum what HISTORY was. She told me it was all about old men and women and buildings. So for the longest time I imagined this giant hole (kind of like a swirling black hole) that sucked old people and buildings in - since Rudolph was going to go down into it.
When i was a little boy, our teacher asked if we knew hwo IBSEN was. (Henrik Ibsen is one of the most famous norwegian writers (19th century))
Well, I didn't now. But i thougt it had somthing to do with ISBN (Internationnal Standard of Book Numbers (or somthing like that)). I had seen that word on the backside of schoolbooks many times, but I was wise enough not to mention it..
top belief!
I was 6 when the Chernobil reactor blew. I remember watching the news, and they of course refered to to it as 'The Plant'. For about a year I believed that there was this humongous green plant growing in Russia, and poisening everyone that came near.
As it happened, my Uncle Peter had injured his thumb in some long-ago workshop incident, but when I asked my dad the reason it was so short I got a different story: he casually explained that when you were good Santa brought you toys, but when you were bad he ground up your thumbs!
Well, I didn’t believe that for a second. I did, however, believe for some reason that Walter Cronkite was George Washington. He just looks that trustworthy, I guess.
In the late 1980s, I learned in school that President Reagan was nearly assassinated in 1981. I asked my father later that day, "Did you know that the President was shot?"
I should have realized that when someone tries to kill the President, even when it is a failed assassination attempt, it is a major news story that people will remember for years. I should have asked him, "What was it like after the President was shot?"
When I was 5 or 6, my mom and my aunt would watch the Watergate hearings with me in the room, and they loved making fun of Sen. Lowell Weicker because he would move his eyebrows up and down. They called him Wacky Weicker. So for years I thought there was a U.S. senator actually named Wacky Weicker.
Oh, and I used to believe Watergate was about a gate that held back water. I had no idea it was the name of an office building until I was in my early teens.
top belief!
I used to believe that President Ford invented the automobile.
top belief!
When I was a kid, carnivorous dinosaurs were said to be 'flesh eaters'. My Crayon box included a pink-tan Crayon labeled 'flesh'. I decided that African cavemen probably had a much easier time getting along; furthermore, that I'd better remember to get a good tan if I ever decided to go back in time. I'm still still tanning, still hoping.
I first heard about Hitler when I was in 2nd or 3rd grade. I mixed him up with the painter Whistler. At some point I said something about Hitler being a painter and an adult said yes, he was that and alot more. (True-- Hitler was a failed artist.) When I finally found out about Hitler's deeds, I was horrified-- and very embarrassed that I'd gotten this so confused! Sorry Whistler......
My friend used to wonder where the actual past would go -like what would happen to the past of a car driving down a highway? It still makes me think...
top belief!
In the 1960s, Martin Luther King was on the cover of Time magazine. I said, "Look Mommy, our garbage man is on the cover of this magazine."
My Dad told me various myths, the most memorable being that Harold Lloyd (black-and-white-movie star) had a wooden arm. He also told me that Roy Orbison was black and blind - he's neither.
When I was a kid, I used to think that when I breathed in air, I was breathing in some of the same molecules that had been breathed by famous people in history. Like Moses, Jesus, Einstein. As an adult, I found out that this is actually true; I read a book by Carl Sagan that said that, statistcally speaking, with every breath we breath in some of the air molecules of famous historical figures that have lived and breathed in the past! Who knew?
My grandfather once received a mysterious telephone call. "who was that?" my grandmother asked when he had hung up.
"Oh, that was Bonnie Prince Charlie," replied my grandfather. "He called to invite me to his wedding."
I pestered Grandpa for the next several weeks asking when he was going to the wedding.
I believed Martin Luther King Jr. was still alive and I might get to meet him someday if I was good.
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