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When I was about 7, I saw part of a screening of "King Lear" on TV. The part I saw took place in the darkness and rain. My dad told me the play was set during the Dark Ages, so for many years afterward I always thought of the Dark Ages as centuries of unrelenting darkness and rain.
I used to believe that the lady in a long white dress and blue sash holding a flame in her hand ...( I think it's Columbia Pictures.. please tell me if I am wrong).. any way I thought she was the Queen of England
I read a lot of encyclopedias and pop history books when I was in elementary school. My reading skills must have been a bit off because I took references to "Stone Age Tribes" in these books the literal truth and that the Stone Age was out there somewhere today.
I also misunderstood stories about human sacrifices and the eruption of Vesuvius and thought that somehow there was a way to revisit these events every day.
When i was a little chris, whenever i saw a swastika in historical films, i thought it was the number 45,and i wondered why they had a 45 on their flag.
top belief!
I used to think that people in the middle ages spoke in rhymes (like that scene in the 'Princess Bride'). I must have caught a glimpse of Romeo & Juliet or some Shakespearean movie and thought that Shakespeare's wrote dialogue as poetry because that's the way people actually spoke back in the day.
When I was young, my parents used to make me go to bed early. Back then we read a lot of old books, like Dickens, and somehow I always figured that people back in the past used to go to bed early, too. Even today, I get a little jolt of surprise when I read old novels and the characters are clearly up after 10 pm or so.
top belief!
My mother once told me that thinks like fossil ammonites were the
remains of creatures that lived "a long time ago". I tokk this to mean about
a hundred years, and imagined Victorians sharing their world with giant
snails and the like. Not sure about dinosaurs, though.
top belief!
My mom's maiden name is Duncan, and in school we learned about Duncan I, a Scottish king. So for a long time I went around telling people that my great great great...(I would count out ten "greats" on my fingers) grandfather was a king.
top belief!
i grew up in central new york where there were many old barns that were toppeled over, but left there. my undeveloped concept of time led me to believe that the dinosaurs were the ones that destroyed them.
i used to believe that when my mother was a child, they used to kill the messenger who brought bad news
I believed that Robin Hood was very skilled building lovely stone arches which later would have lovely romantic layers of Ivy. I was 6.
top belief!
When I was little I thought that the First World War was at the beginning of time and all the history one learned at school (1066, Tudors etc.) was later. I also believed that one of the main changes over the course of history was that men's hair got shorter and shorter (this was the early 1960s)
I believed that the astronauts from the Challenger disaster managed to survive by diving into the sea.
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