i used to believe

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My dad was a Vietnam vet and when I was little he would tell me about different things he saw/did while there. It was never anything war-related, it would be more like "I saw a lot of monkeys like that in Vietnam" or "It used to rain a lot in Vietnam." I thought that being in Vietnam, then, was something men went and did before they were qualified to become fathers.

Of course, I learned otherwise.

Camille Noire
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I used to think that a long time ago humans and animals could talk to each other.
Then the animals began to loose their ability to talk as the humans began to invent more complex technology.

Queen Chrysalis
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I used to love browsing though a picture book about ancient history when I was a kid. The section on Ancient Egypt had several illustrations of men in Anubis masks performing burial rituals, but I didn't know they were just wearing masks. I though that some people in Ancient Egypt really had dogs' heads!

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When I learned about the American Civil War in 4th grade, I thought there was a line that went across the middle of the country to determine which side you were on. I was in Southern California, so I thought we were part of the South...

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my 10 year old granddaughter was looking at black and white picture book at the dr office and said "was it still b&w when you were born?" she thought the whole world was like that.

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This one time when I was a kid I came into the living room and saw my dad watching some old movie depicting slaves rowing on a slave ship. I asked my dad why they had to do that and he said they sometimes made people do it as punishment, sometimes for just a few years but other times for life. He forgot to mention however that THEY DON'T DO THAT ANYMORE! So some time shortly after my mom got a ticket for speeding or something and I was terrified she would be sold into slavery!

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Anytime we would talk about Abe Lincoln freeing the slaves I would picture him walking into a cave and unchaining everyone.

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I thought that most if not all dinosaurs turned into fossils when they died and I didn't know it took a long time but thought they just turn into a fossil instantly when they die

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I thought the Golden Horn was an actual horn (like the musical instrument) owned by the Ottoman Sultans or something

Alberto Richardson
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I thought that Martin Luther King Jr was the great great great etc grandson of Martin Luther and wondered why he was black if Martin Luther was white

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two related beliefs I have decided to put in the same post are:

I thought the Medieval times where called that because people were so evil then.

I also thought that if someone was middle aged it means they lived during the Middle Ages

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I thought Martin Luther King Jr. could fly.

I had a superhero phase, and one day my mom showed me a picture of Martin Luther King Jr. and told me that there were such things as real heroes in the world and that he was one of them.

I thought she meant he was a superhero, so I pictured him flying around, and Martin Luther King Day became the coolest holiday ever to me

Cole J
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I used to believe that when they said America 'broke away' from England during the American Revolution that we literally took shovels and pitchforks and hacked our continent off of England and then floated away.

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My older brother told me that Napoleon was made up to piece history together. I believed this for years. Whenever Napoleon came up during my school studies, I would grin and think, "Fools you do not know the truth!"

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When I was little, I used to belive that the world just appeared the way it was. I thought the world was created with cars littering the highway, a president, and a guy returning clothes to Old Navy.

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When my sister and I were little, there was a stretch of road where a section of a hill had been blown away. The hill was somewhat rough because the hill was recently blown up, very steep and made of loose dirt so not much could grow.

One day my sister asked why the hill looked like that and I replied because the last battle of the civil war blew apart the hill and to remember the battle, the road was built.

My sister believed that until she studied the civil war. Her teacher asked where the last battle of the civil war took place and she replied 'Ohio near 270'. Her teacher had a hard time convincing her otherwise.

We still laugh about that today, I'm 22 and she's 20.

history buff
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Werewolves lived in medival times, becuase i saw them in all those movies with the medival setting.

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I used to think that the Stone of Scone in Scotland was actually a giant scone that had been baked wrong and come out like hard rock. I thought that the scottish clans used to deliberately bake their scones like this to throw at their enemies - and this was where the term "sconning someone" came from. I believed this up until a year ago. I'm 24 now.

Holly R
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When I was four, I thought George Washington was the current president and Abraham Lincoln was the vice president, because their pictures were up on the wall at daycare for President's Day. I remember having a heated argument with my mother when she tried to tell me that Ronald Reagan was the president.

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I used to belive Adolf Hitler was called "Adult Hitler". I asked my mother "Why do people alway cough when they Hitlers first name. Until i was 10 i relized Adolf was his name and not Adult. :S

Oh Dear . .
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