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When I was 8 I thought that James Madison built a secret passage behind the famous picture of G. Washington he rescued. I thought Presidents kept secret stuff back there and that G W Bush kept a guy locked up in there among other things.
when i heard that Henry v111 had six wives, I thought he was married to all six at the same time. I had visions of him marrying a new wife as the others looked on.
After a visit to the La Brea Tar Pits, I thought that the dinosaurs weren't alive any more 'cause they had all fallen in the tar pits!
When I was six, my parents took me to Germany to visit relatives. We had a three-hour layover at London Heathrow. I was very hopeful that I would see Robin Hood AND the Queen. My mother explained that Sherwood Forest was a long way from London, so a visit from Robin was out. The Queen wasn't as far away, but probably very busy. I was still a bit disappointed that there were no sightings!
When I was about five, I used to believe that 65 million years ago, not only did dinosaurs roam the earth, but dragons and monsters did as well. The asteroid killed the dinosaurs, dragons, and monsters, so that's why they weren't around anymore...
Anytime we would talk about Abe Lincoln freeing the slaves I would picture him walking into a cave and unchaining everyone.
When I was about 7 I used to believe that in the old days everybody saw in black and white (because all old photos were black and white). I just assumed that's how life looked to everyone back then.
When I was child I was very interested in history of ancient town in Biskupin (Poland), which in 600's BC was surrouned by earth-wooden wall. One day when I was reading magazine with photos of modern reconstruction of Biskupin, I got very astonished seeing entrance gate - there was only short section of wall surrounding huts and streets (they didn't want to rebuilt entire wall), and I thought there had been really only one piece of wall in ancient Biskupin. How could they, I thought, defend themselves with over 90% percents of border not protected?
At age five, I believed that the "Watergate" incident of the Nixon presidency was actually a gate that held back water, and that they could find no one to plug the holes, and that the entire nation would flood, ala' the story of the dutch boy and the dike. I was that the president would let so many people become overwhelmed by a flood. Ironic now, considering New Orleans.
When I was in third or fourth grade I read a book about King Tut and heard about his "curse." I thought that from reading the book I was cursed too. I was so afraid I was going to die some sort of horrible death!
Wen I was 6 or 7 we watched a film on Maducer, an ancient Greek god who turned people to stone. Imagine my horror when I visited my Aunt in London and saw lots of statues! I was so scared that Maducer was still hanging around!
I don't seem to do a good job explaining things in an understandable fashion to small children. When my first child at the age of 4, watched Jerrassic Park with his father (while I was not present, obviously) and was quite shaken up by it, I tried to explain "extinct," while silently cursing my ex-husband for having been such a nimrod to let him watch it and leave me to deal with the trauma. After many failed attempts, I broke out the paleoentology book showing a Mammoth skeleton and explained that scientists dug up the bones from the ground and put them back together and from there they GUESS how the animal looked. This discussion led into how movie makers created animatronic dinosaurs for the movie and they didn't use real dinosaurs.
At bed time every night my son would run down his usual list of fears, seeking reassurance from me about each by stating, for example, "No thunder?" I would assure him who slept like a log, "no thunder." But I noticed, his list now included, "No dinosaurs in our yard?" I wasn't sure what he was afraid of but assumed none of my explanations had made any sense to him what-so-ever and just assured him, "No dinosaurs in our yard."
Years later, my son found a drawing I had done of a window with a gigantic dinosaur eye looking in at you, the viewer. He asked me what it was about. I told him about his "no dinosaurs in our yard," fear. He laughed and said that my attempts to explain paleoentology and animatronics to him, had him believing that dinosaurs were buried all over, everywhere, including our yard and could come up out of the ground at any moment in that T-Rex skeleton pose and materialize into the kind of dinosaurs Steven Spielburg caught and trained for his movie.
Go figure...
I used to think President Gerald Ford was "General Ford". I couldn't understand why a general wouldn't wear a uniform and look like Patton. I believed this right into Jr. High, nobody ever corrected me. It wasn't until I read his name in a text book that I figured out my mistake.
This is not my belief, but a person (several people) I know's.
A lot of my friends ant the age of 8 believed that in sword battles you had to hit the opponent's sword and NOT in fact the person. This aggrivated me, as I had a granddad who did archery and simulated knights battles as a past time. I decided to just have my imaginary sword slice off one of their heads.
Needless to say they threw a mental at me!
I used to believe that the dinosaurs died out a year before i was born so I would always ask older people what the dinosaurs were like. I think they were offended
I used to believe that when 9/11 happened, the suicide bombers ran into the empire state building and that too had been destroyed. But in 2007, I went to New york and was surprized to find it still standing. Everyone started to laugh the second I asked, " I thought the empire state building was gone! "
When I was little (age 5) I wanted to be a paleontologist and I knew people at the museum and they took me to a little sand box and I found some dinosaur bones (chicken bones) and they said to come back in a week. So, I did and they showed me a video of the "dinosaur" (the bones and plaster) coming to life and growing to the size of a Volkswagen Beetle and roaring before being hit by a rock! I was then given the "dinosaur" and a piece of paper with the words "klaatu nixxu barru opim" and they told me it was how to make it come to life. I tried this until I was 8. I'm 12 now.
I used to believe that it became dark as night during the day on good Friday when my mom was a kid. And I was so envious that it didn't get dark anymore so I could experience the same
I used to think that the Battle of Hastings took place in France, and that Hastings was the English name for the actual battleground!
I used to believe that before the advent of color photography, everything was black and white and that before the advent of photography, everything was a cartoon.
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