The world was black and white before colour photographs and colour TV
This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: The world was black and white before colour photographs and colour TV.
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When i was young i used to believe that at the time of pictures in black and white, life was in black and white. I talk my parents that there should not have been a raimbow. I discovered a reality with a music wach explained my thought and say that it was false.
When I was younger, I used to think that before I was born, life was in black and white
When I was child, I used to believe that, when the pictures were in black and white, people lived without colours. I wondered what happened when the colours appeared: "Was it at one go or progressive? What was the reaction of people?". So I asked to my grandparents and they laughed. Now, of course, I no longer believe at this.
When I was a child I used to believe that the world was black and white, like in the old TV's that first appeared.
When I was younger, I used to think, in the past, there wasn't color because the photos were in black and white.
I used to believe that at the time of film in black & white, people lived without color. At the start, I thought there was any color, so they can't differenciate the color between food, clothes or even hair.
I think it was weird to see movies in black & white but live in color. Now I know that they didn't live in black & white and juste didn't have the technique in the 20th Century.
when I was little girl, I used to believe that at the time of black and white pictures, people lived without color, I discovered the cameras that were doing
black and white photos thanks to my grandmother,I didn't believe in this story and the life is cool with the color !
When I was small, I used to believe the people were in black and white in 1950
I used to believe the world was all black and white, because of old black and white tv shows my parents watched like Andy Griffith. One day I saw that Andy Griffith was in color so I naturally assumed that sometime when that show was aired color began to come into the world. I asked my parents what year Andy Griffith came out and thought that it was the same year that color came into the world.
When i was a boy i used to believe at the time of
black and white,i believed the people live in black and white
I used to believe that my grandparents' world was in black and white.
every time I see a black and white movies or documents on TV, I used to think that back in the day everything was black and white. and I was so glad that I wasn't born in those times. and I would say to myself I love the sun I love colors and would feel bad for all people who lived back then without seeing the sun or any colors.
When I was younger, I used to think that a long time ago a people lived in black and white
When i was a little boy,I used to think people of the 20th century and before lived without colours (in black and white )
When I was a young kid, I didn't understand that older cameras couldn't capture color. I used to think that the entire world was simply black and white - and that's why the pictures looked like that. I believed the world became 'in color' at some later point in time.
top belief!
i used to think the world was black and white because of old movies and photographs. i wondered what it must have been like the day the world became colour and what people's reactions were.
I use to think the world use to be black and white
I used to believe that before color tv and photos, the world was black and white and somebody invented color!
I used to believe the old world was all black and white, and the cars and trucks was big bugs. xD!
top belief!
When I was a child, I used to believe that the world was black and white a long time ago, because old movies and old photos were black and white. I used to wonder when did the world turn colorful or when was color invented and was thankful I lived in color.
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