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The world was black and white before colour photographs and colour TV

This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: The world was black and white before colour photographs and colour TV. Show most recent or highest rated first or go back to history.

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when i was a little boy, around 5ish, i asked my grandmother if she was born in the black and white days. she looked puzzled for a moment. she soon realized that i thought that before the Wizard of Oz's colorful transformation scene that everyone had to live their lives in dreary monochromatic tones . . . not just in movie but in actual life. all the footage or photos i saw were in black and white so naturally i thought before 1939 things just lacked colour.

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i used to believe that old black and white photos were black and white because the world wasn't in color back then.

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I used to believe that the world was once black&white cause those old movies I had were. I was sad and confused!

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I can't imagine the world before colour tv I used to think everything was black and white that is so nuts

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I used to believe everything was black and white long ago because old-timer movies are black and white.

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For years when I was younger I used to think the world used to be Black and White - cos my dad used to watch black and white films all the time! Only when my parents explained to me that it was simply the film that whole idea collapsed and I realised how silly it was!

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I used to love looking at old photographs as a child and, somehow, in my mind I got the idea that the world was literally gray (black and white). Then, my mother mentioned something about a certain sweater being a particular color and my worldview came crashing down.

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i used to belive that coz old photos and films are black and white thought the world used to be black and white

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when i was younger, i thought that everything in the olden days was in black and white, due to the fact that everything i saw on television from then was in black and white. i didn't find out until was almost 10 that that was not the case.

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I didn't understand why old movies were in black and white. I was 70% sure that colors must have existed back then. I pondered over the problem for days...maybe weeks. I came up with several theories; I thought maybe it was because all the people were sick, or that they lost their colors somehow, or the hadn't discovered colors, or that people couldn't afford colors, or that they were like the old orthodox amish or something and chose to be in black and white. (no offense; I was just a stupid lil kid) But, if they were amish, I didn't understand why they were in movies.

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I used to think in "olden days" the world was black and white.

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i have read so many children thought the world was in black & white because that could be the only explanation for black & white movies and photographs. I myself thought old movies and photos were faded. Since the colors in movies and tv shows and photos in the '70s were less saturated, they were on their way to becoming black & white. REALLY old photos were brown & white -- sepia-toned. I guess eventually all film would fade to zero.

cindy peterson
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I was looking at old black and white pictures of when my mom was little. Then once she was in middle school the pictures were all in color. I asked her when color was invented, she said somewere in the 1950's. Later I asked whose Idea it was to make trees green, and the sky blue and things like that, and she just said that God did that when the Earth was formed. I reminded her that she said color wasnt invented until 1950 and she laughed and explained to me that everything was colorful, but color film wasnt invented until the 1950's.

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I used to believe that in the 'olden days' before I was born, the whole world was in black and white. I believed this because of the fact all the old tv shows were in black and white so i assumed that's how they filmed the world.

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When I was very young I watched a fair amount of black and white TV shows in the 1980s. (I had a fondness for Car 54 and Dennis the Menace on Nickelodeon). I somehow came to believe that television was always recorded in color ad that the whole world used to be black and white.

Apparently I had gotten the idea from a Dennis the Menace comic (I used to read it everyday, but Sundays inparticular). In one comic Dennis asked his father why TV was in black and white and his father tells him that the whole world was black and white. I was too young to realize this was the joke of the comic.

Still that would be interesting now wouldn't it? :-)

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i used to think the world was black and white beacause of black and white photos but then the world became colourful again!

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I used to think that when my parents were younger the world was in black and white. I got this idea from looking at pictures of my parents that was all in black and white. So I thought previously it was all black and white and only now is the world in color.

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When I was little (about 6) I liked to look at the pictures of my parents that were in black and white. One day I asked my dad, "When you were little, was the world in black and white?" Obviously he told me the truth, but before then,(for about a year) that's what I thought.

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one time i asked my mom is the world was black and white when she was a kid. She just smiled at me and said, "No." I didn't believe her.

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I used to believe that people didn't see in color because all old TV shows were in black and white.

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