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The world was black and white before colour photographs and colour TV

This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: The world was black and white before colour photographs and colour TV. Show most recent or highest rated first or go back to history.

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up until 2nd grade, i used to believe that in "the old days" everything was in black and white. During school we were reading about the titanic and our teacher told us to write a fact about titanic. i rose my hand and i asked if the titanic was around when the world was in black and white.my teacher started laughing along with my classmates....i learned the truth..unfortunately the hard way

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When I was little, I looked at my mom's old black and white photographs and also saw black and white TV shows from the past and used to think actual people used to see the world in black and white, until they invented color television and color photographs and started magically seeing in colour. But now I know pretty much everyone sees in colour....except those whom are colorblnd....

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I used to believe that when they made black and white movies the people and places were actually black and white.

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when i was little i used to think the world was in black and white, cos i only ever saw black and white clips of the old days on tv!

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I used to think that because all the old movies were in black and white, that everything back then was.

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When I first saw "the Wizard of Oz" I thought that all of the world was in black and white until that movie came out, because it started in black and whit then went to color. I believed this until I was nine.

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When my brother was very young, he asked my mom when the world turned into colour. By watching old TV shows in black and white, he thought that the whole world was that way.

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Ditto on the world being black & white before I was born. LOL

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When i was little, i used to think that everything in the past was black and white.

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I use to beleive, when I was young, that the world didn't get its color until after I was born. Everything on TV was black and white before I was born.

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I used to believe in the old days that the world was black and white and in the 80's it turned to color.

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Like a lot of previous entries, I also thought that the worlds was once black and white, and when The Wizard of Oz came out, thats when it turned to color.

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My grandmother always showed me pictures of her and her friends/family growing up. Of course the pictures were black and white. I used to think that when my grandmother was in the pictures, that the only colors were black,white, and grey. I thought that the other colors were something that they came out with recently.

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I used to think the world was black and white a long time ago - because I saw it on television. I asked my father "what was the world like before there was color?" He looked back at me, puzzled, until he figured out what I meant.

The first time I left the United States and went to another continent, I imagined the world would be like that, but it turned out that I was wrong - sensation was the same here and over there.

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when i was young i thought that the past was black and white and that one day they woke up and it was colour :D

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When I was younger, I used to think that people who lived before color TV (like my grandparents) lived in a world of black and white...

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My little sister use to believe that when there was black and white movies that people saw black and white though there eyes

i have a stupid sister
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unlike most entries about black and white photots, I thought colour photos actually faded as time passed untill they wer black and white. the same went for movies.

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Since all the old TV shows and movies were in Black and white....I used to think the world used to be black and white and turned into color sometime recently.

Edwin from the Bronx
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I used to believe that the world used to be in black and white (that was, of course, after seeing old black and white movies!)

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