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The world was black and white before colour photographs and colour TV

This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: The world was black and white before colour photographs and colour TV. Show most recent or highest rated first or go back to history.

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id watch a old fashioned film where the colour was black and white and belive that in the "olden days" colour such as reds, yellows and blues hadn't been invented yet hhehe x

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I used to see all my fathers photographs from 'the old days' in black and white, and only later on see pictures with color. In my naiveté asked him when color was infused into the world?

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when I was a child i thight that the world was all black an white

Tony Magana
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the most nostalgic moments of life were when my friends and i played all evening on the lawn, and the sun was setting, creating an orange luminescence in the sky. i temporarily believed that the orange sky was the result of our high levels of fun. it was quite difficult to achieve.

Chris Dlugosz
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Ditto on the world being black & white before I was born. LOL

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When I was a child I used to think that the world was black and white in the past, like in the movies.

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I used to think in "olden days" the world was black and white.

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Because of movies I used to believe that everything was black and white in the past.

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I watched an old movie and thought the world was black and white before color t.v. came out

Cody McDaniel
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I use to believe that the world use to be black and white then became color in the 60s

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When I was small, I used to think that when TV was black and white, the world was black and white.

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I used to think that life in the old days (1950´s ) was in black and white

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When I was little, my mom watched alot of balck and white films. I thought that the world was actually black and white back in the 20's!

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When I was a kid, I believed that the 1950s and earlier were ACTUALLY black and white, in real life, because that's what I saw on TV.

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I used to think that the entire world was in black and white, after I saw old photos and films.

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when i was a kid i used to watch an old black and white tv and i though that before i was born color didn't existed and they had only invented them for real life but they where working on getting tv's with color too

Stupid stupid kid
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When I first saw a black-and-white picture, I thought the world used to be black-and-white, and it changed before I was born.

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We had plenty of black and white photos at home. Family photos or deceased uncles and grandparents.
So I used to believe that the world had no colour back then. But that it used to be in shades of gray like on the photos or in the movies.I never bothered asking how the world became coloured, until I was about 15.

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I used to think that color didn't exist until a couple decades ago and that is why some movies were black and white... Color did not exist yet

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I thought that old tv shows were in black and white because it was before there was color in the world.

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