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Guerrilla fighters are really gorillas

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When I was a youngster they first started talking about Gorillas in the jungle of Malasia fighting with machine guns!! I thought they really meant Gorillas not Guerrillas

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When I was young (in the 1970s) there seemed to be a lot of talk on the News about 'guerilla warfare' (you can see what's coming next ...) I use to be flabbergasted that these Gorillas were clever enough to run around with machine guns and capture people - though I could never quite understand what their 'cause' was...

Someone Daft
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i am 16 and i make comics about death bunny who kills people (it is cool) and i made a joke about guerrilla warfare being fought by gorrilas when my little sister read the comic she belives that guerrilla warfare is ought by gorrilas !!!!!!LOL!!!!!!!!!!

death bunny
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I used to think that guerrilla warfare was only fought in the Jungle -and no I didn't think that it was fought by gorillas-. I delieved this until I was twelve, and I heard about the guerrillas fighing in Afganistan.

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top belief!

When I was four years old there was a great deal in the news about Cuba and about guerilla warfare and guerilla troops and guerilla tactics. To my backwoods, mountain-bred (Ouachita Mountains, on the Arkansas/Oklahoma state line) ears, this sounded like gorilla warfare, gorilla troops, etc. I listened, silently wondering for months how they were able to train the apes to use machine guns and machetes. Imagine my dismay when I finally asked my mother how the training was accomplished and the difference in gorilla and guerilla was explained to me.

It was years before I got over the embarrassment felt when my assumption came to light, (truthfully, it still niggles at me more than a bit.)

To end on a lighter note... although I am now 46 and cognizant of the difference in a guerilla and a gorilla, I still picture the ape when I hear the fighter described.

Tena C.
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Okay I know I'm not the onlyone who thought this.Growing up in the early sixties during the Viet Nam War. Everytime I'd hear about guerilla warfare, I always pictured a mean Magill Gorilla or Gorillas swinging down from the trees and causing some sort of harmless cartoon hijinx.

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When I was young and use to hear on the news about the guerrillas shooting people in the street I would think how did they escape from the zoo and where did they get the guns.

Karen from Maryland
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When young, I used to listen to the news which I thought was boring. I didn't understand some of it especially when the news-reader frequently told us that another army group had been attacked by Gorillas. I imagined actual gorillas (Apes) attacking and could not understand where they all came from. Quite scary.

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My mother used to tell me that when she was a kid and watching the news she heard the term guerilla warfare for the first time. She thought it odd gorillas waging war. She wanted to know what the gorillas were upset about. She believed it was the furry gorillas fighting men with guns in the jungles...quite a cute thing to believe in really.

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When I was young I believed that gorillas fought in wars overseas. I used to watch news reports closely but never managed to actually catch sight of the gorillas the reporters were talking about. It was really upsetting when I realised they meant 'guerrillas' and Planet of the Apes wasn't based on a real place.

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I believed that guerilla warfare actually involved people fighting guerillas.

And I just learned that guerilla can be spelled with one or two R's.

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When i was young i believed because of news reports of guerilla warfare that monkeys (gorrilas) where at war.Guess i must have watched too much planet of the apes.

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When I was little I remember hearing on the news how Arab guerillas attacked Israel (I was too scared to actually sit and watch the news on the TV). I litterally believed that these were wild man-eating gorillas sent by the Arabs to attack Israel.

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After watching many news items about guerilla warfare and guerilla troops I believed that the jungles of Africa were full of heavily armed primates. I was shockingly old when I realised that this wasn't the case

Blencs, Brighton
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When I was young it was during the Korean War. The news would speak of Gorilla warfare. Everytime the news showed clips of the war and spoke of the Gorillas I would be scared to death. I thought the Gorillas were animals that were going to attack us.

P. Harvey
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once i heard the term gorilla on the news and thought that real gorillas were fighting kinda like planet of the apes

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I kept hearing about roving bands of Guerillas in the Central American jungles carrying guns and killing people. I confused this with animal Gorillas so I was terrified of these animals at the zoo for a long time and would ask zoo keepers if they took their guns away before they were captured

philip coe
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I remember being very worried as a child when a story on the news said that people in Africa had been attacked by "200 guerillas armed with sub-machine guns".

All I could think of was the ape army in Planet of the Apes!

Dave Hughes (England)
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I used to be very puzzled by the term, "Guerilla Warfare." My conclusion was that our soldiers were busy fighting guerillas.

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during the 70's there were frequent reports about African governments fighting 'guerillas'. Of course, I thought there were bands of armed gorillas roaming around, and I was always worried about bumping into them!

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