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When my father talked about Cold War, I used to believe that the Cold War was about the soldiers who were fighting in the wintertime and they were frozen to death. Also I thought that the Cold War was just fighting with snowballs.
top belief!
I thought that the gulf war was the "golf war" and everyone was fighting over a golf course. I was about 6 at the time
I used to believe that War was a physical place our soldiers went to fight -- a town consisting solely of a field with hills and trees. So, if someone "went to War," they fought the battle there and returned to their home town when it was over. Little did I know the reality. God bless our men and women defending our country. I am proud of each and every one of them.
I was just three when the war ended and I used to lay in bed, under the blankets, and listen to these big bees flying over.
It was years before I realised I had been hearing doodlebugs.
Whenever i heard the beatles song war is over i always got really confused as i thought they were singing about one of the world wars but i knew they couldn't be old enough to be singing (or even born)just after both had ended. I decided they must be singing about world war 2 and carried this in my head till i was thirteen and i was embarisinglly corrected by my mother
I used to think that war was like a sporting event, in which two opposing armies would line up on opposite sides of a football field then run at each other and try to kill each other...and "war" never extended beyond that field.
When I was young, I'd heard of the French Foreign Legion, I assumed that the British Legion was the same thing.
I used to think that when people were talking about World War I and World War II that they were saying "war war one" and "war war two". It wasn't until I was in elementary school when I read it in a history book that I finally figured it out.
top belief!
When I was in second grade, and the Gulf War was going on. I wrote a letter to Sadaam Hussein asking him to please stop the war, and to not worry if people made fun of him and called him a baby. I gave it to my second grade teacher and she gave me this funny look. A couple months later, the war ended, and I was seriously convinced for a while that, single-handedly, at 7, I'd ended the Gulf War.
Ah, to be a kid again:)
I used to believe whenever I heard 'Germ Warfare' on the news it was something the Germans were doing to us. I always remember thinking that it wasn't very nice and wished they'd stop!
When a soldiers went AWOL in the movies, I thought they physically climbed over "A Wall".
When I was really little, I thought that the American army fought the American Navy or the Marines or the Police Department. I thought war was like a football game and whoever got the most points won. (Too bad it turned out I was wrong!)
My friend (who was a sandwich short of a picnic) believed that 'Storming Norman' of Gulf War fame was actually called Storeman Norman. I can just picture him in his brown overalls striding across the deserts of Iraq with his trusted Thermos and ham sandwiches in his pocket!
top belief!
When I was young my mom told me that my Grandpa joined the army the day before World War II ended. I can remember bragging to all my friends that my Grandpa won the war. When the Germans heard that Paul Richardson joined the army they knew they couldn't win. So they surrendured
Somehow I made a connection between Jesus and the World Wars, thinking my grandfather who had been a naval officer during WW2 had played some part in rescuing Christ from murder/execution by taking him away on his boat. It was of course all exaggerated by my 'vivid' imagination as my reception teacher clarified for me gently after I bragged to the class about what my grandad had done. Well that was my distorted idea of heroism!
that the Tamil Tigers fighting for independence in Sri Lanka with guns and bombs were actually very aggressive but nonetheless furry four-legged orange and black striped tigers.
When I was a kid growing up in fear of nuclear devestation, I used to think that Vietnam footage was ancient (since they were using guns, grenades, etc and NOT nukes). I could not grasp the fact when my dad told me that Vietnam was only a few years before I was born and not around 1930.
I used to think World War I and II were actually pronounced War War I and II.
Took me about 11-12 years to get it straight.
i was about 10, before the Gulf War started and i remeber hearing about it all the time. i also remeber watching endless hours of it ontelevision. However, i thought i was all about GOLF. i couldnt figure out why people would fight so much about Golf.
I was like five and a half during desert storm, and I didn't quite get how we could be at war if there were no soldiers in army greens tearing through our neighborhood (like in mash) or fighter planes in the sky (like in topgun). Even though I had a very very dim view of what was going on I still would watch the news and it wasnt until about three years ago that I realized that the guy I believed was george Bush snr when I was little was actually donald rumsfeld.
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