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I used to think that when you fought in a war there was a fence between the two armies. i found myself contimplating quite often whether it was considered "cheating" if someone crossed the fence to the enemy's side. kind of like in dodgeball. this is also why i thought another word for sword fights is called "fencing". lmao.
I used to believe that there had been eleven world wars, however I was confused why there weren't many movies and stories about 2, 3, 4 etc
I assumed that they hadn't been very good wars.
(Pick the child of the seventies watching all the bad 60's TV shows - Desert Rats, Combat, Baa Baa Black Sheep etc etc)
When I was really little, I thought that the American army fought the American Navy or the Marines or the Police Department. I thought war was like a football game and whoever got the most points won. (Too bad it turned out I was wrong!)
When I was around 8 or 9 I used to believe that the "Shot Heard 'Round the World" (the first shot in the American Revolution) was the biggest home run ever in baseball.
I used to think all wars lasted only 4 years, like college or something.
I was just three when the war ended and I used to lay in bed, under the blankets, and listen to these big bees flying over.
It was years before I realised I had been hearing doodlebugs.
When people would say "Remember Waterloo" I thought they were talking about an Indian fight in Walterloo, Iowa. I was in college when I learned that it was about Napoleon and France.
I used to think the "Cold War" was a war where countries tried to freeze each other to win the war.
I sepnt a lot of my childhood growing up in the middle east with my Father who was in the armed forces there.
One day we were out in the desert with some of his friends when they discovered an unexploded mortar bomb.
I wanted to rush over and play with it, and my Dad couldn't understand why - until I explained to him that I wasn't afraid of 'WATER bombs...'.
I used to think World War I and II were actually pronounced War War I and II.
Took me about 11-12 years to get it straight.
When I was younger I used to think the "Civil War" was called the "Silver War", and was actually a war over jewelrey and table utensiles.
I thought there were only four ranks in the army: private, corporal, Seargeant, and General
I thought a major general is more powerful than just a general (which still kind of makes sense to me)
When I was little I was at a friend's house and his dad was watching a documentary about WWII. I didn't know what a documentary was and assumed he was watching the news. We got really scared because we thought we were under attack and hid in his room behind a barricade. I then asked my mom if we were jewish and she said yes (non religious) and I started to cry because I thought we would be taken away to a camp.
that the Tamil Tigers fighting for independence in Sri Lanka with guns and bombs were actually very aggressive but nonetheless furry four-legged orange and black striped tigers.
I used to think a war was when about there was about six guys (three on each side) with swords, hitting the opposites sword simultaneously, and whichever side got tired the quickest lost. That really got me into trouble with my grandpa..he was a World War 2 veteran....then again he was also an alcoholic...
When i was younger i used to think 'Wars' were 'Walls'. I thought that is you were in a war you would be stuck in a stone wall with no way of getting out. (I can still remember what i thought it looked like)
I was talking with my mother when she said that my granddad was in the war (he was still alive) i was so shocked i said ''How did he get out!''.
Then later we watched a WW1 thing on TV and my mother said ''All those people survived the war''.
Again, i was totally shocked.
until i was about 10 i believe adolf hitler's first name was "hitler" and that he had no last name because his parents abandoned him
I used to believe for the longest time that World War 3 had already happened. Hopefully my child self is never right.
When I was little the gulf war was constantly on TV. I can remember looking at all the tanks and explosions thinking they were taking their game of golf a bit too far! It wasnt until many years later I figured out what it was really about!
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