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I used to belive, that USSR is the best country in the World...:(
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I remember being told as a child that people in China (being on the other side of the world and opposite us, I assume) ate their dessert first. I don't recall if I REALLY actually believed this or not.
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Up to about 14yrs I used to think that Welsh people where called "Waleish" as in Scottish, Irish and relatives (in Wales) never lived it down
(i am a Chinese)When i was small,i used to believe every westeners are rich and beauty.When my school teacher told me there are beggers in the west,i was very upset.
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I believed that Mongolia was where mongoloids came from. I pictured all these mongoloids raiding villages on the steepe on horseback with fire and sword. I figured they were only nice and gentle in America because they were outnumbered.
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When I was little I used to confuse the word "Lebanese" with "lesbian." There was a civil war going on in Lebanon when I was little, so I thought all Arab-looking people were lesbians. I remember my mother being very embarrassed when I ran into an Iranian classmate in the supermarket and said, "Look mom, a lesbian!"
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My (French) mother told me that every third child born into the world was Chinese. Being a third child of entirely Caucasian appearance, I naturally assumed that I was in some way Chinese, and that this would begin to show when I was a bit older. This led to many hours at the local library researching my "heritage", and a lifelong love-affair with Chinese food. I even had a Teach Yourself Mandarin record (45 rpm) with a little booklet containing realistic interactions from Chinese households for me to repeat. Most of these seemed to involve Mrs Wu scolding Mr Wu for not helping more around the house. I was about nine years old before I realised that however hard I studied I would never actually be Chinese. Now in my mid-40s, I'm still coming to terms with the disappointment.
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My brother once referred to the neighbor as a lesbian (she was Lebanese...)
When I was a kid, the Pittsburgh Steelers were in their "dynasty" years. We also collected food labels for the school library - Campbell's, Swanson, Franco-American. I always assumed that Franco-American was owned by Franco Harris and Swanson by Lynn Swann. Why not? When you're 7, the world doesn't extend very far from your hometown...
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In the early sixties, as a 3 year-old I was taken to England for a 2-week visit. I have no memory of the trip. I did however grow up with the knowledge that the English were tiny people that lived in flower pots. When I grew old enough to question the idea, I couldn't understand where such a deep seated impression was from. As an adult, I finally mentioned it to my mother and she laughed saying that while we were in England I used to watch a tv show called the "Flower Pot Men". Mystery solved, although I did visit again as an adult just to be sure.
I used to believe that about 25%-30% of the U.S. population was Jewish. After all, there were so many famous Jewish people!
remember the expression "dig a hole to china"? i took it the wrong way and thought that it meant China was buried underneath us..and everytime i took a step i was probaly stepping on some poor chinese' persons head
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I used to believe that if you touched Chinese people, they would break.
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Until I was about 16 I thought that Palestinians were actually called "Palaced Indians."
growing up in the orient and living in the west, I could not understand the fascination with lion (line - you idiot) dancing !!!
When I was little, I asked my Dad why Indian ladies had that red dot on their foreheads. He told me that they say Hello by putting their palms together like they're praying and raising their hands to their bowed heads so their thumbnails hit that spot on their forehead and, since people say Hello so much, it leaves that red dot on their foreheads.
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When I lived in Korea, and my family was about to move to the States a friend of mine told me that people in the States ate weird things and one of the things they ate was monkey meat. Since I was born in the year of the monkey, I was afraid that they would try to eat me, and I tried to keep my family from moving to the States.
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Whenever I heard the term "redneck," I pictured something entirely different than anyone could imagine... I actually thought that there was a race of humans walking around with red necks! I mean... Why not?
I used to think that Africa was called "The Dark Continent" because it was full of Black people.
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I used to believe that if a white couple had a baby in, say, Japan, the baby would look Japanese, i.e., darker skin, straight black hair and almond eyes. If a white couple had a baby in Africa, they would have a Negro baby with Negro features.
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