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when i was four years old i used to believe that our planet earth had thousands and thousands of countries.afer a couple of years, when i got older i relised that earth was not as big as i thought it was. it came as a big surprise to me, i was so dissapointed
When we were selling our furniture, a Dutch family came over to view the beds. Their son was like 6'5" and when they left, my sister asked why Dutch people were so tall. My dad told my sister that this was because Dutch people put their children in growbags, to make them tall. My sister believed this for about a year and told just about everyone she knows, including teachers :P She was 9.
He also told her last Christmas that a news flash on Sky News had just told him that Santa Claus had died, after being electrocuted by fairy lights. I'm beginning to think my dads a bit of a sadist :P
I used to think all Icelandic people looked like Bjork.
I am Canadian, and when I was small, we went to visit my aunt's family in America for Christmas. My aunt had married into a Jewish family, and my older brother told me that her family did not usually celebrate Christmas, but they would this year just because we were coming. I knew nothing about Judaism, so I assumed, and believed for several years, that Americans (the only differnce I understood being our nationality) did not celebrate Christmas.
I used to think that German people had more germs than other people because they were "Germ"an.
So whenever I got a sticker from an employee at Walmart that has a german accent, I would get the hand sanitizer from my mom's purse and put it on my hands and the sticker and when they asked why, I would say that I do that so I wouldn't get any germs from him/her, as they have a german accent and that made me believe I would catch germs from them. I was 6 when that happened
When we tuned in to Americana music, I thought that the word "Americana" means a woman is of an American descent.
I thought that Roman Numerals were still commonly used in Italy, The Vatican, and Romania. 'Cause Rome, you know.
I used to think that all Dutch people wore clogs and lived in windmills
When I was little and I saw Indian, Hindu etc. people with little red Bindi dots on their foreheads I would marvel at how those people all got 'pimples' in the same place.
When I was younger I use to think the term "Caucasian" was a term used to refer to Mexicans with a lighter/whiter complexion. It wasn't until I was around 8 years old I understood what it meant. Mind you I grew up in a community of mainly whites and hispanics. Talk about some really confusing conversations.
WERE REFERED TO AS : "colored people", so I thought there was a race of folks
that were pink, green, blue, red, orange
etc. I think this helped me to grow up
to not be a bigot!
I used to beileve that all men with brown hair and glasses were from england, and were freaks. I also used to believe that they probably were plotting to kill me.
I used to belive, that USSR is the best country in the World...:(
I didn't see an Indian person until I was about 2 years old, the Pakistani gent in question was about 90 years old, and I thought that when you got old you turned black.
Up until I was about 26, I beleived that being Jewish only implied that you were of the Jewish faith. And argued with my husband, and mother that Jewish could also mean you were *Jewish* such as being *Spanish* or *English*. I didn't beleive anyone until my father (who has told his share of doozys) convinced me otherwise!
Until I was almost 18 I believed that Hungarians were black. My logic, they were hungry, therefore it was a third world country where people ate nothing but twigs, 3rd world countries are full of black people.
When I was a kid, I thought that all the Americans are born to kill others (bad hlywood movies !) , one day in a hotel a 4 or ^ years old American boy asked us whether he could play footbal with us, we searched him but there were no guns with him so we let him ... but! one min. later his sister came with a pistol toy !!! we all fleed !
After I learned that the earth was a sphere, I knew we were on the top because we stood straight up. I also knew that China was on the other side of the world. Usuing my 5 year old logic, I felt sorry for the poor Chinese people who always had to stand upside down.
My dad used to tell my brother and I we were 'pukes', not telling us what that meant and we thought we had some weird problems. Later he told us that he called my brother and I 'pukes' because we are half Polish and half Ukrainian.
I used to think that germans had germs on them and that's why they were called that
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