Miami is "My Ami"
This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: Miami is "My Ami".
When my parents would tell me they were going to Miami I'd ask "How long are you staying in Yourami"?
I used to ask my Father whenever we were going to Miami if we were going to Your Ami
When i was little my poppy said he had to go to miami and then i told my dad poppy is going to his ami.
I was born in Miami, Florida.
So, I'm told, my father once told me "you were born in Miami" and I replied "nuh-uh, I was born in Mommy's Ami"
When people would say they went to Miami, I thought they were saying "My Ami" .
I thought some people had an "Ami" and they would go there on vacation.
When my daughter was 3 years old, my favorite fast food joint was called "Miami Subs". My little one heard me say it plenty of times I suppose, because one day when a friend of mine told her he was going to Miami Subs, she sternly told him "It's not YOUR Ami Subs! It's my MOMMY'S Ami Subs!" She totally thought the name was Ami Subs and that it belonged to me! TOO CUTE!
I used to believe that a street in our town, called Miami Street belonged to my mom, because when I asked her what street we were on, she said, "My ami". I said, "Your ami???". She said, "No, My ami" and I said, "Yeah, your ami". It took many trips down that street to for it to finally sink in!
my brother said " i'm goin to miami wanna come?" to my little brother said "yeah! i'll go to your ami!"
I used to believe that when people would say "Miami" they were really saying "My Ami". And I don't know why,but I thought "My Ami" meant aunt's house.It's funny becuase there was a song that was saying "Welcome to Miami" the whole song,and I thought it was about a guy inviting people to his aunt's house.
When I was little my family and i were going to Miami, Florida. I would always here my mom saying "Miami" thinking she was saying "My ami." So i asked her, "why are we going to your ami? when can we go to my ami?"
I thought when television said Miami I thought they were actually talking about a close relative of mine (possibly because it sounds like auntie)
i used to believe the same thing about "ami's" and Miami. One tim, my mom took me to Miami, and I asked her, "Are we at your ami yet?"
When we went to Miani, I thought it was "my ami" and I said "when you go to your ami"?
Once when I was young my dad once said that we were going to see Miami. I figured that "ami" must have been a name for a relative of some sort. I later said that we were going to see "Papa's ami".
When I was a child I used to believe that everyone had an "ami". I used to hear people talk about "my-ami" (Miami) in Florida. I used to wonder where my ami was. I knew other people's amis were in Florida but where was my ami?
When I was about three we went to Miami, florida. I kept asking my mom what her Ami was. LOL.
When I was four we went on a trip to Miami. I heard it as we were going to My Ami. I kept asking who my ami is and who's sister she was!
Ash where she was going my daughter said, Mama's ammy. Meaning Miami.
I used to beleive that when people said "Miami", they were actually saying "My amey." and "amey" was a type of realative, which I thought was like a grandmother.
When I was a child my dad was a truck driver, he often had loads going to miami and I wold ask him where he was going and when he told me miami, I didnt' know it was a city, I thought he was going to his ami, wasnt' sure what a ami was but i always thought one day I hope I get to go to MY-AMI.
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