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Miami is "My Ami"

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My friend announced one day that she was moving to Miami Beach. I was quite upset and told everyone about her big move to "HERami". I wasn't sure what an Ami was, but she had one and was moving there.

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My mother had told my sister and me (She was seven, I was five) that we were going on vacation to "My ami". This led me to believe that my mother owned the entire city, and I became angry at anyone but my mom who tried to call it "theirs".

On vacation in Mom's Ami
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When I was little and listened to the weather on the radio from Arizona, I used to think that Miami belonged to the weather man (my Ami).

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I used to think that an Ami was a relative, like an Auntie or something because when we moved to Florida whan I was 5, my dad pointed at the train and said "That train goes all the way to Miami." I said "Where does your Ami live Mommy?"

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When I was little, my mom would always take us to visit my Grandparents in a city she called "Miami". I really liked visiting them, so I would always ask her when we were next going to "your Ami".

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when my sister was little, her and my mom were in the car going to miami and she asked my mom "how much longer until we to to your-ami"

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When I was little, I believed that "ami" was a relative similar to a grandmother and when someone said "Miami", they were taking about their "ami".

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My grandmother lived in Miami when I was a child, and when my mother told me we were to go vist her, I thought she was saying "We're going to my ami" (whatever an "ami" was). I was convinced the city belonged to her, and told all my friends that I was going to my mommy's ami.

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Like all kids I liked watching TV. Even though the news was boring, I usually kept it on while I played. But I always wondered why all news anchors had an ami and no one else I knew had one. Not that I knew what an ami was. You see the news anchor once in awhile would say "In My Ami today........" (Miami).

Fibre Optix
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my brother, as a kid, once mistook the name of the city "Miami" for "My Ami." A family friend, i guess, named robert (this was before my time), used to talk about "His Ami" all the time, so when our mother spoke of going to Miami, my brother blurted out, "No! It's not your ami, it's Robert's ami!"

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Until I was about ten years old, I always believed that everyone had an "Ami" that they went to--like Bugs Bunny--he was always headed to "MY AMI".

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when my daughter was 2, we lived in Fl. We had told her she lived in Miami (MyAmEee). Someone asked her where she lived and she said Your Am Eee.

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Once when my sisters and I were little (me, 9, one sis 8 and the other 4), our granny, whom we called Nanny, was visiting. Our father was leaving and phoned home before leaving town, heading for Miami. When my granny told us where he was going, my baby sister said, why is he going to my nanny's ami?

Jonathon Goodwell
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One afternoon when I was four or five years old, I happened to be in the kitchen when my parents were talking about somebody going to Miami. I had never heard the word before, so I thought they were saying two separate words: My ami. I didn't know what an "ami" was, but since they were talking about somebody going to see theirs, it appeared that there was a trip involved. So I asked, "When are we going to go to see *my* ami?" Mom said, "Never mind." I took that as a signal that I had an "ami", but I wasn't supposed to be asking questions about it. It was some years later, after I learned how to read maps, that I realized that they were talking about a city in Florida.

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While driving to Florida, my little sister asked, "Mommy, is your Ami the same as Mi-ami?"

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As a child, I was often subjected to accounts of my mother's eploits in some place she referred to as " My Amee". I supposed this was some place only she had anything to do with- by ownership, or membership, whatever it was, I had no idea- and I guessed everyone might have such a thing or place, of their own.
Not until years later did I learn that there was an art scool in Miami, Florida, and understand that, as an art student aiming at a career in commercial art, this was just the place she might have had quite a few significant experiences.

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I, like other posters, thought that when people said miami they were saying My ammy! But, I thought only men said it because I only heard sportscasters and weathermen say it, and they are both men on the station that I would watch! I thought that an ammy was a wife, like for example "My ammy is going to lose in the game against Tampa Bay today!" and "My ammy is going to get wet today, lots of rain!" I thought it was like a little form of banter.

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Like an earlier poster, I too took Miami wrong. I grew up in nearby Tampa so the word was used a lot, and somehow I assumed that an "Ami" was some sort of ediface like another house or a very small building -- at least that is what I pictured in my mind. Soooo, when any adult referred to "My ami" I just assumed they were talking about their building somewhere.

Richard S. (Tampa)
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When I was a preschooler, my parents talked about "going to visit Miami." I did not realize "Miami" was a city in Florida, so for a long time I thought an "ammy" was another kind of relative, like a grandma or a cousin or an uncle. I kept asking them, "who's MY ammy?" and they didn't understand what I meant until, exasperated, I yelled, "well if YOU have an ammy that means I probably have one too!" Then they explained it to me. ;-p

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After my older sister pointed out Miami to me on a map, I was determined that I must have an "ami" too. It was a real "Who's on first" discussion.

Gregg Robinson
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