i used to believe

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top belief!

I used to think that people who live on the Tropic of Cancer were more likely to get the disease cancer. Because of this, I assumed that there was also a disease called "capricorn" because of the Tropic of Capricorn

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As a child in the U.S., I once saw a detailed map of London, on which I noticed Picadilly Circus and other circuses. I became envious of the people of London, thinking that circuses, of the kind that come to town only once a year where I live, were going on all the time in London, and there one could go and be entertained by the acrobats, clowns, and animals, etc. any day of the year.

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When I was a kid, a playmate told me once that "Insomnia" was a country somewhere in the world, and it seems I believed that for quite some time.

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top belief!

Until a shamefully short time ago (I'm 22 now) I thought that Gibraltar was just a large rock in the sea (as per the Rock of Gibraltar) about 40feet high, with absolutely nothing on it apart from small monkeys, seagulls, guano and perhaps a red phone box.

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You know maps of the world that are on classroom walls, well in those maps the world looks flat. One day i asked my mom what was on the other side of the world.

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top belief!

I used to scoff at kids who somehow got the idea the people in Australia were upside down, since I knew that they were exactly like us, except that if they jumped they wouldn't come back down.

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I used to believe that Timbuctou wasn't a real place.

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I live in California. While in the car at night on the highway, I used to think that the lights I saw were from New York, since my parents said they come from big cities.

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I used to think there was a center spot in the world. And whenever i gaze up the sky, i thought i had found that spot

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My gran used to live in a coastal town an hour and a half away fom my town. Her back yard isn't fenced, its just gose out to this small feild shaded with spaced out trees, a bit ferthur beyond that was a wide river that went out to sea. Every time I went to the river, i could see the shore on the other side of the wide river. I used to belive that shore was the edge of new zealand, beacuae the town(newcastle) was on the southern east coast of Australia. I soon learned from my older brother when i told him that new zealand is much much further away than that.

small minded child
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top belief!

When I was 5 or so, my dad told me that Albequerqi, New Mexico was named after Al Bequerqi. He said Mr. Bequerqi was dieing, and had learned that they were trying to rename his hometown, so he got them to name it after him, Albequerqi...

I hadn't thought about this until last week (I'm 15), when my dad and I were trying to figure out the capital of New Mexico, and I said, "Isn't it Albequerqi? Yeah, cause you told me the story about that!" He said, "What?" And I preceeded to retell him about Mr. Bequerqi.

I was devastated when he told me this wasn't true, and he denies ever telling me this. When my mom came home later, I pointed at dad, virtually screaming, "HE MADE UP MR. BEQUERQI!"

Ms. NewYorkie...
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When I was younger, I was gonna go to Mexico for the summer, but I was so confused, cuz I had bought color clothes, but I thought Mexico was black and white!

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For the longest time I thought that the entire world was living in the past while the United States was the only country in the present. Ex: I thought that anyone from Africa lived in a hut and if you were from China you lived like Mulan. When an African foreign exchange student came to live with us I asked her if she had ever been chased by a lion. Bewildered, she said no. Then I wanted to know if they took field trips to the Savannah. No, they didn't. Finally I tried showing her how appliances work, thinking she'd be amazed by electricty, turns out she had all of those things too! I was sooo confused. It took a long time for me to realize that people from different countries live in houses just like ours. lol

Never Traveled Out of the Country
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When I was little I used to think that mexico was on the clouds because U had to take a plane to get there.

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When my sister's father went to Seattle, my sister said "Is Attle nice?" She thought Attle was a person's name

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i used to think that there were 51 states and that the fifty first was Chicago, and its capital was buffalo.

sad to say some one told me there was 50 and that chicaog was a city, just recently

clueless american
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top belief!

I thought that in Hawaii, the water fountains dispensed pineapple juice. For free!!! I wanted to go there just to get all the free pineapple juice I could drink. (Wasn't there an episode of the Brady Bunch or some other TV show where this happened?)

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These beliefs aren't mine, but of my friends. They are TERRIBLE at geography. They believe that New England is in Europe. They believe that South Africa is just a general region and not a country. Worst of all, they think there are 52 states in the US. Whenever I tell them that there are only 50, they tell me that I forgot Alaska and Hawaii. Their lack of knowledge of the states became apparent when one of my friends made a project which involved "taking a bridge from Florida to California." For the uninitiated: they're on different ends of the country. He didn't do so well on that project.

Mr. Globetrotter
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I live in washington state, and I used to believe I lived near a holy place. I used to think bellingham, wa, was bethlaham (spelling)

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I used to believe that you could dig a hole or walk to China. I'd dig holes in my sandbox all the time, but I always got bored. Whenever I got mad at someone in my family, I'd say "well I'm running away to China!" and I'd walk probably 2 house lengths at the most and then get scared that Chinese people were gonna come and kidnap me and take me to China so I'd go home.

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