i used to believe

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I used to think that the sky had giant letters saying "Massachusetts" over that state like the map had it. Like, over the Atlantic Ocean had that written in the sky over it. *shakes head*

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When I was little I used to believe that in those ball play pit things at Chucky Cheese's there were big mice (like Chucky Cheese) but evil waiting to kill me...I didn't get in one until I was 9.

Also, when I was younger I used to believe that Turkey was the capitol of Kentucky...because Kentucky Fried Chicken. I was heartbroken when I discovered it was a country in Europe

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Untill I was 7 or eight I had never seen a globe so I thought Alaska and Hawaii were right next to each other. One day I asked my teacher how come Alaska was so cold and hawaii was not. The next day she broght a globe in and showed me where alaska and hawaii really were.

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I live in NY. Me and my older sister used to think that FL was right over the mountains seeing as you can't see whats over them. And now my younger cousin thinks that too.

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'Names Chosen at Random'
I thought Random was 'a place' an actual location where all the games and lottery and etc were sent to be chosen!

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I used to hear on TV all the time about "paradise" and think it was the name of an actual island somewhere, that looked just like Hawaii or something.

Brandon Campbell
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I used to believe that America was actually the entire world and that people from every state spoke a different language. People from Ohio (where I grew up, of course) spoke English. I was always confused as to why my grandparents who lived in Illinois spoke English...I guess I figured that they moved from Ohio.

Nick L.
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When i was little (like 3 or 4) i was convinced that florida and new jersey(where i live) were next to each other, and the only reason it took so long for us to get to disneyworld was because we stopped so much.

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Digging in the dirt was one of my favorite activities when I was little and I thought I could dig to China if I tried hard enough, until one day my parents told me that it was impossible to dig to China. I then decided I'd make my digging goal more realistic by trying to dig to Canada instead.

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I am almost 16 and up until a week ago.. i believed that the united states of america was it's own continent in between north america and central america.... yea... i suck!!

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When i was little i thought that people in like China or on the bottom of the globe would do every thing upside down like walk on the ceiling etc.

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When I was about 4-5, I used to believe that if I dug a deep enough hole in the sandbox, I would eventually end up above China, looking down at the chineese people from their heaven.

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I remember asking my dad what state MichiganStateUniversity was in? Yes, I lived in Michigan but thought that when you went away to school you went out of state even if it was a state college!

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When I was in kindergarten we were taking a family trip to Florida and my parents explained that we had to take an airplane. Naturally I assumed Florida was in the clouds and was trying to imagine what it would be like to walk in the clouds.

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The very first time I saw a globe (of Earth, yes) I asked where "College" was located.

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I used to believe that if you touched a map, you would actually touch that place in the world--there would just be this huge finger descending from the sky, and you might kill people! So I never touched anyplace on a map until I was 8!

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I used to believe that if i dug a hole i will end up in south carolina and pop out the sky

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I used to believe that Hawaii was down by Florida. because that's always where they put it in that little square...oh and I thought Alaska was right next to it.

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I thought the "Continental United States" referred to states only attached to the continent of North America, and that all islands, like Hawaii, belonged to no continent. Until I was 16.

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in elementary school we had to get a pen pal in a different state to find out about that state, I got utah, but no one bothered telling me what a state was so...
my letter to my pen pal in utah was:
"so what language do you guys speak? do you guys have a king & queen, or a president like us". I'm sure they still have my letter to read when they need a pick-me-up

geographically stupid (francis)
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