i used to believe

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I used to think that Los Angeles took up half the United States

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When i was little i have no clue of what age..okay i live in mississippi in north america and i thought that mississippi was like a country and north america was a planet.. i have no clue how i came up with this idea.. and then i figured out north america wasnt one of the 9 planets!!

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When I was around 7or 8, I had this urge to travel and go out on my own little adventure... I had heard in an old movie that you could dig to China... so that is what I tried to do, only I couldnt lift a shovel very well, so I used a tablespoon to start my digging. When I saw that this was taking too long, I took a trashbag outside and tried to "catch the wind" in it, so that it would lift me up and I could fly there.

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When I was younger (don't want to mention exact age out of embarassment), I believed that we lived INSIDE the world. My point of revelation came when I was reading about the Great Flood in the Bible. I told my mom it didn't make sense because Noah and his family would have drowned when the water reached the top. She realized she had a lot of explaining to do!

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up until i was about seven, i could not grasp the concept that their really werent physical dividers between the states, like their were on most maps of the US used for weather.

when i was seven, my family went on the first road trip, and i was severely dissapointed when i found out "crossing the state border" only amounted to viewing a "welcome to" sign

Gertrude Williams
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I used to go on holiday with my family to Cornwall every year, and always thought it was a single town called Cormorl.

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I used to believe that we lived inside the world. I was so confused to hear that we didn't because when I looked at the sky it looked like a big blue dome, and it was beyond me that we could live on top of a dome.

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I used to believe that Canada was a territory of the U.S. and was one big forest.

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we lived in cincinnati, ohio when i was a child and quite often drove into kentucky to get places. i was shamefully old before i realized that ky was actually another state b/c naturally i thought you had to go a long way to get to another state.

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As a small child (about four years old), I went over my old friend's house and she had a nanny. Her nanny said that she was going to Sweden. I misheard it as "Sweet-n-low" (that brand of artificial sweetener) and I thought "She's going to the place where sweet-n-low is made?"

Happy person
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i used to belive that america WAS the world i was preety darn confused b/c i herd that there were many contries but. . .n e wayz yeah i was confused lol

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I used to believe that if you kept driving in the direction of a beautiful pink sunset, you would get to my parents homeleand of Lebanon. Once on a trip my dad pointed to the very beautiful sunset up ahead and said something like it reminds him of Lebanon. I thought he said it IS Lebanon. I like the magical-ness of it, still do:)

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As a child, I had the idea that Japan was a country the shape of what I now know to be France, and it was between China and India.

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when i was in 2nd grade, i could not figure out why the poeple in the southern hemisphere didn't fall off the planet.

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when i was a kid i loved the cartoon "beetlejuice" (a spin off from the movie) and i heard about a country called the Netherlands and i was incredulous.

i was like "wait, the netherworld (the world beetlejuice and all dead people lived in) is a REAL PLACE?!?!?!?"

from then on, i believed that the netherworld was a actual place you could visit in the real world

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that there were 52 states- alaska and hawaii right?

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When my brother was very small he somehow got the idea that all people of color were from New York. I don't know how he came up with that.

Big Sis
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When my dad would drive us around in the car, we would continuously yell out from the back seat "Where are we going? Where are we going?" My dad would say "Berserk". I was a teenager before I realized that "berserk" was a state of mind and not a destination.

Still Waiting to Get There....
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i used to think, when i was about 4 that i lived inside a whale because i live ion the country Wales

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I moved to Texas when I was 10, and I had just seen "Pee Wee's Big Adventure" where he has to go to the basement of the Alamo to find his bike. I was super bummed when I went to the Alamo, and it looked nothing like the movie.

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