i used to believe

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when i was little i vividly remember long arguments with my dad. I used to think that if you walked from shore to shore to shore and kept on going you could walk your way around the world.I cant belive i used to belive that

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When I first went on the baltimore beltway, my father told me that the beltway went all around the city. I thought that he was refering to the grass area inbetween the inner loop and outer loop. I was conviced that that was baltimore. Which confused me a little since we lived in baltimore.

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I live in Washington D.C. One time my mother had to go to Boston for a business trip. Because I was 5, I thought that was somewhere near Wyoming. I asked her if they all wore cowboy hats in Boston.

K. B.
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top belief!

When I was about 5, my family went to New Hampshire and saw the Old Man of the Mountain. My parents were pointing at it and asking me if I could see the old man. Well, here I was thinking there really was this old man up there and wondering why we were bothering him, staring at him like that!

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I believed that Lap-Land was actually a place where all lap dancers were, and i couldn't understand why fathers took their son's there i thought it was a bit sick! lol

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I sincerely believed that Mexico and Texaco were two states next to each other somewhere "down south".
After seeing an atlas of the US in my granddad's car, I spent my car trips with my nose pressed against the window, desperately watching to see the enormous "IOWA" that must have been painted on someone's field. I could never fully explain to anyone what I meant when I asked them if they'd seen "the BIG IOWA" yet.
Amazingly enough, I am allowed to mingle in the general population.

Tiff-tiff the terrible
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I used to believe that California was it's own country, aka "America". When we took a family vacation at Thanksgiving to visit my grandparents in Alaska, I kept asking my parents how many days until we returned to America. They kept telling me that we were, in fact, still in America but just in another state. I still didn't quite get it, but, I kept my mouth shut because I was afraid they were going to get even more upset by my questions.

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When I was a child in Chicago I believed the Queen lived in Buckingham Fountain.

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When I was in 2nd or 3rd grade I always thought that there was another side of the world beside the one that we say on a flat map; like you had to turn in around to see the other side.

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wen i was little i use to think that random was a place because on tv the presenters always use to say "the winners will be picked at random" and i always use to think those random bastads win everything!!!

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When I was a child, I used to believe that you could dig your way to China, and in China, everything was exactly as it was here only upside down, and exactly the same time of day only night (12 hour time difference). I also believed that there was a person there exactly like a person here, only chinese!

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I used to think people in China went to American restaurants there and asked for forks to try them, as we did with chinese food and chopsticks.

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i used to think belgium was a myth.

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When I was about 7 years old, we moved to Wyoming (usa) and there was a business located near my fathers work called Tokyo Massage. I misread it and thought it said Tokyo Message, and I assumed it was for everyone in Wyoming who was wanting to talk to their friends or loved ones in Tokyo. Later, in Middle school, someone told me that I should work there, and I said something along the lines of "so, I would be good at sending messages" It wasnt until that day that I made the connection, what a loser!

Tokyo dork
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I used to believe that hotels that rented by the hour were for people who were driving for a long time and wanted to stop and take a nap becuase they were tired of driving. Whenever my family went on vacation I would tell my dad that if he was tired we could find a hotel that rented by the hour so he could sleep.

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top belief!

After we moved to San Jose when I was little, I used to believe my grandmother was just on the other side of the mountains. So I would stand in the front yard of our suburban West Valley house and scream "Grandma!" at the mountains, over and over.

Of course she didn't hear me, but it didn't help that I was yelling at the mountains between me and the Pacific Ocean, and my grandmother was in Ohio.

A. Foster, Naples, Florida
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i used to believe that if i dug a deep enouph hole i could pop out in china.

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There is an exit on the Highway near my house that says "Pleasure Island Road". When I was a little girl, I used to think that was the road you took to get to Disney World!

Robyn B
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When I found out we were moving to "the South" I was upset because I didn't want to live on a houseboat in the bayou and have to fight off alligators and mosquitos.

That's okay, though, for when we got there, many kids asked me what it was like living in Arizona in Teepees without electricity or paved roads.

Desert Rat turned Southern Belle
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When I was in sescond grade when my teacher would ask me 2 touch a certain country on the map i as afraid that i would crush thed people living there. I never touch my country in fear that i would kill myself.

M J aaaaaaaaaaaasmith
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