i used to believe

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I used to believe that when grownups talked about "joining the Common Market" as we were at that time, that this meant we all had to move house and go and live in this huge market somewhere, also that "Downham " a town close to us was actually Denmark and if I ever went there, suddenly everyone would be wearing clogs and pointed caps like in my childhood atlas

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I used to think that my state flag (Arkansas) was the same thing as the American flag. I guess I thought they were the same place and I couldn't understand why there were two flags for one place.

Lady J
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I used to believe that the world was infinite, a non-ending loop with repeating continents. Also, I thought that on the next loop there was an clone of me, doing exactly what I were doing.

Luiz Alfonso
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when i was younger my brother told me that the 'angel of the north' in england was put there because in the past the devil came down and he shot big balls of fire down and was killing everyone. so apparently the people put the big statue thing there to protect themselves and the devil hasnt been here since because of it.

gullible freak
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when i was 9 i somehow got the idea that mexico was a city in spain.

my 4 year old sister would always say how she knew that mexico and spain were 2 different places and i would strongly disagree.

imagine the embarrassment when i was at a party for my soccer team and i told them, 'get this! my sister thinks that spain and mexico are 2 different places! she doesnt even kno that mexico is in spain!'

i got shown up by my lil sis. god i hate that.

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i beleived that all the people of atlanta city in the us were gays and lesbians because my brother and my sister were (and still are ) gay and lesbians

alaxendria ( the lesbian )
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Once, when I was five, I saw a news broadcast that ended with a shot of a car driving away from the camera and the reporter signing off with, "This John Doe reporting from Chicago". Except I didn't hear "Chicago" but instead, "WatchYerCarGo". I thought that was the name of the biggest city in the Midwest for years afterwards. Even when I knew better I couldn't think of Chicago without visualizing that old gas guzzler pulling away from the curb.

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When i was little i used to think that island were piece of land floating on top of the sea like a boat and there was a chain attaching it to the ocean floor like an achor(so it didn't float away)

Then i found out my country was an island and was devastated to find i had been misleading my friends and my family all my life

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When I was in third grade, living in Syracuse, NY, I used to think Florida was to the north, because we would drive "up" to Disney World. And I used to think Canada was to the south because we would drive "down" to Niagara.

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I used to think each country was it's own planet.

erin clements
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the country of singapore was a giant white dormatory where everyone lived together.

i don't know where i came up with this one.

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I'm not sure where this would go, so I'm putting it here. When I was young, my parents bought a little weather measuring kit - you know, the kind with a wind speed guage, weather vane, etc. It came with a poster of various types of clouds, and what sort of weather they signified. Anyway, one picture had a radio tower on the horizon, its top obscured by the extremely low-hanging clouds. In order to call attention to this, the caption ended with the phrase "Note tower in background." As a result, I thought that the tower was named the Note Tower. So, whenever a relative or family friend would return from a trip, and show us a photo of scenery with a radio tower in it somewhere, I would always say "Oh! Did you go see the Note Tower, too?" And nobody ever had a clue what I was talking about.

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I used to believe that if cities had streets with the same names, those were continuous roadways, so if we we kept driving on Oak Street, we would eventually end up on Oak Street in the next town.

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I'm from canada, where we drive on the ight side of the road. One summer, we went to England, and I noticed (being an observant 6 year old) that they drove on the LEFT side of the road. This led me to believe that everything in england was the opposite of Canada I spent the rest of the summer looking for a neighboorhood with the opposite of our house in it, because I was convinced I'd meet the opposite of me there. I didn't realise my mistake until I was 9.

Opposites Attract.
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My Dad once told me that if all the people in china jumped at the same time we would feel it as they landed. I used to imagine it happening and then getting all the people in Europe to jump and respond. One day I hope to organise this.

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When I was a kid, I always though (correctly) that I lived in America. One day I saw a commercial for something that was being held in "The U.S.A." I always thought USA sounded cool and always wanted to live there. Then, in the first grade, I found out I always did.

I still want to move there.
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I used to think that the St. Paul's Cathedral was the Capitol building in London, England just like the capitol in Washinton D.C.

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When I was young I loved game shows. When they would announce that something or someone had been picked "at random" I thought random was an actual place.

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I used to think that the South African city, Cape town was actually called Crap Town. I though that this was a bit insulting for the people living there ^_^

Sugarpuff Angel
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i used to wonder why the starving children in Africa didn't just swallow air,eat their snot and fingernails.then they wouldn't be hungry!!!

yeah right

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