i used to believe

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I don't know what category this goes in, so I'll put it here. I used to believe that the earth was flat and no matter how my parents tried to convince me I always held firm in my belief that the earth was flat. Whay, I sure didn't see any curves? Not only that, but why aren't people in China falling off since they are supposedly "down" from us? Or people in Antarctica, they aren't down or up from us but on the globe they are down. So why don't they fall off? Eventually Dad convinced me because he is a Physics teacher and knows all about that kind of thing... hahaha. Boy, was I stupid...

I used to disagree with Christopher Columbus
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When I was a little kid and had lots of toys and many other house utility things …….all of them with a tag….. made in japan . I believed that japan was the only country in the world that made most of the things and supplied to all the countries . and I used to cherish anything that was made in u.s.a (America} like the schaefer pen ! . and yet believed japan to be the most productive country in the world for other things.

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I was told that if you dug a hole deep enough (from the US), that you'd end up in China. I wondered what kids were told in other places, like maybe Africa, but as I've asked people from all over, it seems that they never really thought about it.

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When I was in the 7th grade, our country was in a huge depate over Quebec seperating. One day in Social Studies we were discussing the repercussions if this were to happen. One boy in my class raised his hand and asked "Will we feel it?"
My teacher perplexed by the question asked the boy what he meant.
"Well if Quebec seperates will we feel it? Will there be an earthquake?"
He actually believed that if Quebec seperated it would actually be cut away from Canada by huge jackhammers!

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I thought the the white house was really near where I lived and we sometime drove by it on the freeway. It was just a building that had colums in the front.

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When I was about four or five I thought that the world was divided in two from north to south, and that everything on the 'other side' has an exact copy of everything on 'this side', including myself. I was actually looking forward to growing up so I could travel to the other side and meet my 'clone', see what she's been up to.

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i used to believe that hawaii was on the east coast, near the bahamas, and that europe was directly west of california.

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I used to think that there were no stores in Kentucky.

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last week on a train i had a conversation with one of my best friends only to discover that at 18years old she still thought that timbuktoo was imaginary yet gotham city where batman lived was real!!

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I used to think there was a difference between "the whole world" and "the whole wide world" -- the latter being, of course, wider. My cousins had a globe in their house which I understood to be a picture of "the whole world". I figured "the whole wide world" must look like the globe with a kind of small house or cabin attached to it at about the equator.

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That if you dug a hole deep enough you would make it to the other side of the wourld.

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I used to think that the faces on Mt. Rushmore was a natural phenomenon. Of course, I grew up in Canada so it wasn't like they bore resemblance to the guys on my money.

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When I was a child, I used to believe that USA is a state of Poland, and someday we go there for a trip like we were doing this to Warsaw :)

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I used to think that people in the Southern Hemisphere used maps and globes with South on top. Apparently, I'm not the only one.

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When I was about 7 years old around Christmas time I was I saw the Bay Bridge and I thought they had strung up christmas lights. Later I realized that it was just the head lights and tail lights on the cars. :)

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once my dad told me that if one were to dig a deep enough hole, the hole would eventually reach China. for years thereafter, i looked as far over the edge of every hole as i could, hoping to see sliver of blue sky filtering through.

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I used to believe that only one part of the world could "work" at a time. For example, the people in America could be running about their day.. but everywhere else was "frozen" until it was their turn. You didn't remember being "frozen," cause it stops your brain from working too.

A Wild Cowgirl
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When I was a young child living in a suburb of Buffalo, New York, I remember being at home with my mother who often listened to the news on the radio. Often they would mention "the White House." Through our living room picture window, I could see a house across the street that was painted white. I thought that was The White House.

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I used to belived that Washington, D.C. was located in Washington state, the same way that New York City is located in New York state.

Maeghan Jade
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i used to belive that California was the United States only and that other states were other countries.

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