i used to believe

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up until about a month ago i found out that new england was NOT a state i was completely shocked i am 16 and have lived on the east coast since i was born i discovered my mistake this year in US history i haven't heard the end of it from my classmates

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I used to believe that there were two sides of the world, because the maps were flat. I always wondered when we were going to learn about the other side.

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i used to believe that great britain was the whole world

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when i was small about 5 or 6. i used to believe that i actually live in a planet not a country. when people around me tell me that there need to go to USA, Canada and other country i used to believed that they went there by rokets not plane.

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I used to believe that london, paris, venice, and switzerland were all cities in France.

an american...
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I grew up learning that Alaska and Hawaii were the two newest US ststes, both becoming states in 1959. I never had any trouble realizing that they were real places before they became states. That might have something to do with the fact that they are disconnected form the rest of the US. Later, I learned that before Alaska and Hawaii, New Mexico and Arizona had been the newest states, becoming states in 1912. Then, I somehow envisioned, for quite some time, that before 1912 there had been a giant bottomless hole in the Earth where New Mexico and Arizona were later to come into existence as states.

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I used to believe that traveling in cognito was a place in Africa or somewhere.

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Leading up to my first visit to a seashore, I envisioned that the beach would be a narrow strip of sand, only about three feet wide. To the landward side of that narrow strip, I thought, soil and vegetation would turn abruptly to pretty much the same as they were at home, a few hundred miles inland. On the seaward edge of the beach, I supposed, there was an abrupt vertical drop into deep sea waters.

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I remember asking my mom once," Mom,is the statue of Liberty upside down?". She looked at me with loving incredulity. as only a mother can, and said," No, why would you ask that?",to which I answered.." Well,I always hear people saying that they went up to the feet."

She explained that the statue stands on a base,and when people speak of going up to the feet,they mean from the ground to the top of the base.

Robert Brunswick Jr.
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When I was 6 or 7, my sister showed me a map of the world made of cardboard. When she pointed to Egypt, and she said, "That's Egypt. That's where all the mummies are." For the next few weeks I believed that mummies in Egypt would rise and come and kill everyone.

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When my uncle got married, he married a lady from Thailand, and for the longest time i thought it was called "Toyland" and me being 5 i bugged my dad to go there.

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My little brother thought that if you flew up into the sky and looked down on the earth you'd see the names of states and cities, etc. written like on a map.

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when I ws about 5 I believed that every place in the world was in the united states. And I also beleived that translvannia and pennslvannia were the in the same place. Then my dad got me a globe for Christmas.

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I usd to think that Plymouth, where I lived as a child, was bigger than London. I also thought that England was bigger than Britain. England was male and Britain was female, so it made sense, since men are generally taller than women.

Lady M
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I grew up near a place named Antioch, and when we visited there and my parents would say,"We're going to Antioch.", I'd say," I didn't know I had an Aunty Ock!". That was when I was four and my dad still teases me about it!

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i used to believe that all the countries in the world were in my city and i was like dad can we got to china thinking to myself that it was across the street

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I used to think that the world was only the state of virginia. And I had a very distorted view of it in my head and thought that "virginia" was about 100 miles big.

June Courtney
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I use to believe that all the people lived in Oklahoma, and nowhere else, i thought the other states were just for vacations.

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i was lead to believe that i used to live in texas. When my babysiter told me that i used to live there i was shocked. then i started talking to my mom about it. she told me that we had never even been there let alone lived there! i was so embarrased even tho i was about 6 or 7. :-!

what ever you want it so be baby!
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So, my little cousin, who is 4 years old, knows all the words to the song "Take me home country roads" by John Denver, and she sings it like all the time. Once, when grandma was visiting some relatives in West Virginia, my cousin told everyone she knew that Grandma was in heaven...they all thought she died....really my cousin was just referring to the opening line of the song- "Almost heaven, West Virginia..."

She thought West Virginia was really heaven!!

Spicy Jen
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