i used to believe

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i used to believe that i had been to europe. one time my parents took me to a large body of water and told me it was "the other side of the ocean." it must have been a large lake or something. anyway, they disavow any knowledge of telling me this to this day. i know it happened.

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my friend used to believe that the maps of the world only showed halfof the world. her second grade teacher told her the truth.

Jenn's friend
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When I was young, I thought ALL European countries were monarchies with kings, queens, princesses, dukes, etc. And even Yugoslavia was wealthier than Spain.

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i used to think there were no bathrooms in hawaii.. an no toleit paper.. it was just that strange of a place...

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in kindergarten, I naturally hated boys. And I used to tell my friends (who were all girls, of course) that if we dug a deep enough hole, we'd get to this magic kingdom where girls lorded over boys and we'd all be princesses. I really believed this, so for many a recess my buddies and I would be in the sand, digging a hole. The boys could not figure out why we kept digging, and we didn't tell them. We did get mad, however, when we'd come back out at recess and find that someone had filled our hole in!

Funky Cold Candita
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When I was about 5 or 6 I thought that Florida was in the sky, because we took a plane to get there.

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When i was little I would always look for lost islands on the globe

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When I was about 6 years old, I used to go visit my grandma in Pennsylvania and we had to go through the Squirrel Hill Tunnel. and they are 2 tunnels right next to each other and they go under a big mountian and they were really long.. well i always thought that when you went under them you would somehow end up on the other side of the mountian and go out the other way bak to where u came from. and u just "somehow" ended up where you were going. I believed that untill i waz about 12!! and then i finially relized that there were 2 sepret tunnels and you dont somehow turn around and go the other way! HAHA

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i live in canada and i live like by a big hill and i used to think that on the other side of the hill was the united states but back then i thought it was the united stakes.

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I used to believe that when you go to Disney land you would see the cartoon characters running around like on the Rodger Rabbit movie! I finally found out that it was people dressed up when i went to Florida when i was 10! lol

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When I was little I used to think the autobahn was a stock.

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when i was 3 or 4 i moved from russia to the United states. I did understand what countries were, and what the earth was n stuff. So i looked on a globe for russia. Of course i could not read yet, and i thought Austrailia was Russia!but in the second grade i finally found out it was in europe and asia.

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when I was little i looked at a map of the United States alot without the other countries., soooo whenever i looked at a globe, I thought canada and mexico were there just to make it look cool

sum guy in maryland
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i used to believe that the united states was the whole world and that there was no other place but the united states.

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when i was about 5, I lived in Brazil and my family visited Iguazu Falls. my mom explained to me that down there (bottom of waterfall or something) was Paraguay, and over there (across the river or something) was Argentina, and where we are standing is Brazil. Somehow I concluded this means that Argentina, Paraguay, and Brazil were parallel plains/landscapes of separate altitudes. The three countries were stacked like floors in a building, overlapping. So most of Paraguay was uderground. So when someone said "Paraguay is below Brazil", meaning south, I would think "oh yeah, I've been there, I know what's going on".

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I used to believe that all the pencils in the world were made in Pennsylvania. I asked my teacher that once and she laughed at me.

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When I was little I always heard about this city called "Pittsburg" and I always wondered why there wasn't a town called "Armpits-burg." Finally one day I asked my parents why there was no Armpitsburg, and they just laughed, and didn't ever tell my why they thought it was so funny. I was so confused, because I was totally serious.

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I used to believe that Chicago was a state. No matter how many times people tried to tell me that it was a city in the state of Illinois, I refused to believe them.

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My grandmother lived in Boise, Idaho. We visited her one summer and while there, we rode innertubes on the Payette River. I lost one of my shoes in the river and my dad remarked it was "on its way to China". From this, I believed the Payette River went through China and China and Idaho were neighbors! I was about 5 at the time.

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when i was little, i used to think that the Gulf Coast was the Golf coast and people plaed lots of golf when they went there

mr nobody
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