i used to believe

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top belief!

I used to think I could go to a country like Australia, see what the winning lottery numbers were, then fly back to Ireland in time to play those numbers anf become a millionaire. It didn't help that my aunt encouraged this belief.

Clare, Ireland
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I used to believe that California was my house, not the state I lived in.

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i used to believe that we could dig a hole through the sand which went to australia and wed see all the people walking around upside down!

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i used to believe Houston was a person, not a place (as in, "Houston, we have a problem")

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top belief!

I used to belive Road Island was really an island and Hawaii and Alaska were next to each other becuase in school thats how they are on the map. I could never understand why it didnt snow in Hawaii. I didnt find out I was wrong until I was 21.

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I remember being in the first grade and hearing the phrase "Red China." I translated this as to mean that everything in China was red, the sky, the grass, the people. I felt bad for the kids there because they didn't get to see the pretty colors I got to see. It wasn't until I was in college that I found out what "Red China" really was.

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I was about 6 years old at the time the Berlin wall fell and Germany became reunited. We used to get those Weekly Reader newsletters in school, and the story about Germany being unified was accompanied by a story about a kid who found out that his hometown wasn't on a map and had it changed. For some reason, I thought these two things were the same story, and for at least three years I thought that Germany had been divided into East and West because someone had made a mistake on a map.

Those darn cartographers are messing with world politics again...
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When I was young I thought that 'going to Manchester' meant going to the doctors, because the doctor was a man who put his stethoscope on your chest.

Dave, Lancashire
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I used to think that each house was a different state.

Wow, America sure is small!
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I used to think that Toronto was in Pennsylvania. I was 13 and about to go into 8th grade when I found out it was in Canada.

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When I was a child, my dad used to get in the car and go off on his own on some Sundays -- his only day off. I always wanted to go, and when I asked him where he was going, being from Arkansas, he would say, "Off a piece". Until I was in sixth grade I thought there was a town in the San Joaquin Valley called Ofapece.

Gary Adams
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when i was younger i used to believe that since there was the countries hungary and turkey that there was one called spoon, and i found it on the globe once and i always wondered why i could never find it again

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When I was younger I thought that if I dug a hole that I'd fall through the Earth and into outer space.

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I used to believe that the North Pole was the coldest place in the world and the South Pole was the hottest...

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I used to think that Hadrian also built the Great Wall of China.

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I used to think the "The state line" actually had a white line separating each state.

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When I read a map, I used to think that Indiana was India. I asked my mom can we go to India, it's only the next state. (I live in Chicago)

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When i was little i lived near the mountains and i always believed that over the mountains was china, learning later on that we were no where near china, not even on the same continent!

Mia, milpitas california
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I truly did believe that I could dig to China. My friends and I spent an entire day trying to get there. Unfortunately, once we hit the bottom of their sandbox, we had to start all over out in the yard.
We got about 2 feet down with the shovels before we gave up.

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I used to believe that foreign countries were actually different planets and when you travelled in a plane you were actually travelling through space.

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