i used to believe

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Because we used to get TV programmes and Text books from the US, my friend thought that by driving north of the North Island of NZ you would end up in America.

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I used to believe that we lived inside of the world. I asked my Dad who lived on the outside of the world.

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I lived in Suva and I thought 'suva-neers' (souvenirs) only came from Suva.

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After amny years of hearing you can dig a whole to China. I thought that all countries were on top of each other.
China, New Zealand, Australia, America and so on and that the planes flew straight up. And of course I thought it was all flat......

Bridget Collins
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When I was little,I used to believe that if I dug deep enough into the ground that the hole would come out in China.

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I used to belive that Switzerland was at the centre of the world, (because it had the highest moutains, of course!), that all the countries were packed around it, with England on the edge, which of course led to the Atlantic Ocean - the biggest ocean in the world!

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When I was young I thought Canada was a city. I used to ask my mother if we could visit Canada, even though I was living in it.

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I used to believe that if u dig a hole in the dirt that you would come out in China

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I remember believing that when you were flying that the borders of states and the states names would be visible from the air - just like it looks on a map.

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I remember as a small child I used to beleive that England was the whole world. I remember my brother looking at me bemused when I asked what that bit on the bottom of the map of England was.

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When I used to ask people where they were going on holiday as a child they used to tell me they were going abroad. I grew up thinking that abroad was the name of a popular holiday destination in France.

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i used to believe that my brother lived at the bottom of my sand pit. He actually lived in Australia, but my dad told me that if i could dig all the way through the the sand, then the earth itself, i'd actually come out in Australia, and i'd be able to see my brother. I spent many an afternoon digging and digging, but i never found him.

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The maps where they put all of the continents out flat really threw me off. I thought that all of the continents [1/4 of the globe] were on one side and the other side was all ocean [3/4 of the globe]. That's where all the desert islands were, and that's why is was so hard to get to china

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I used to think that Berkeley (California, that is; my home town) and America were the same place. When we went to see relatives in Minnesota, I asked my parents, "When are we going back to America?"

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I used to believe that Paradise was the capital of France, and that when we died, we would all go to Paris.......just a tiny mix-up.

Marit Hadland
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I come from a very large family and I am the youngest. I used to believe that when my older Brothers & Sisters were going out "To Play", I honestly thought there was a place called "Play" that they all ventured to and it was some sort of fantasy land and I wanted to be a part of it..
Was I wrong and disappointed!!

Jason Lewis
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when i was 4 my mom told me we lived in Indiana and i would tell people we lived in Diana

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When I was five or six, we moved to Devon from Manchester, and to make it more appealing, my father told me it never rained in Devon and that ice-cream was free. When we were packing I told my mother to leave my coats as I wouldn't need them. I was so cute then.

Chris Smith
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I used to believe until a couple of months ago that Bulgaria was a fictional country, because that was where the horrible king and queen lived in the film 'Chitty Chitty Bang Bang'.

Sparkle Kitty
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My sister used to think that the cooling towers of power staions were cloud factories

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