i used to believe

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I could not understand, after listening to theevening news during the turbulent period in the late 60's, why everyone Haighted this guy named Ashbury in San Francisco.

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I used to believe that countries really had their names written across them and that when you reached a border there would be a red dotted line on the ground.

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When I was a child, I thought that was impossible to visit another city... until a car appears from another one.

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I live in Norway and when i was younger
i thougt that Africa were on the other side of Trondheims-sea ,

martine from norway.....14
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When I was about 7 years old, in 1963, my grade school teacher asked 'Can anyone point out Germany on the map?' I confidently walked to the front and pointed to Cuba. I'll always remember the consternation this caused the teacher. Why was I so sure Cuba was Germany? It could only be that Second War films and TV coverage of the Cuban missile crisis had somehow become intermingled in my mind!

peter, london
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I have lived in WAY northern Ca for most of my life, and whenever I would see a car with a sticker on it that had the letters OB and a small flying bird..I used to tell my friends that it meant they were an OB/GYN, and would usually comment on the type of car they had, like if it was a junky one, WOW! what a horrible car for a doctor to have! It wasnt until I moved to San Diego County, and drove through Ocean Beach that i saw that same symbol..and realized what an idiot I was! (BTW, I was 28, when I moved to SD)

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When i was a kid my famliy was on a road trip. We were driving when my mom pointed and said "that is a winery." I actually thought this was a place where they put kids who wined a lot.

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I was just old enough to ride my bicycle around our Seattle Neighborhood in the Northwestern US. My understanding of geography was such that Washington, was just south of Canada. With this in mind, I set out one day to bike to Canada. Some six to eight blocks north of our house I asked a lady doing yardwork, "Is this Canada?" "No. You have a ways to go yet." she replied.
So maybe it was a 120 miles, give or take, but then I couldn't have told you how far a mile was either.

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When we were little my family would visit relatives in Mississippi every summer. The first time my youngest sister made the drive with us she very seriously leaned over the front seat half way through the drive and asked my Dad when we would be to "Mrs. Hippies" house!

Andrea Kelly
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In the place I grew up (Quad Cities) there was and still is a park called Vanda Veer Park. I would argue with people untill I cried the park was called Panda Bear Park. I knew there was no such thing as a Vanda Veer and thought they were trying to get me to say the wrong thing to be mean. Then I learned to read and saw the sign.

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To understand this, one needs to know two facts:
1. My mother lived in Greece for a while in her 20's.
2. My grandmother lives in a house by the riverside.
Going to my grandmother's house was always an adventure, especially going out back to swim; and I was convinced that, if one swam far enough, one would get to Greece, just on the other side of the river.

Jade NB
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When I was a small child, my mother would tell me about her parents and my dad's parents coming to the United States "on the boat." I used to believe that ALL immigrants came to the U.S. on ONE boat. There were not many ships, making many trips. Just one boat. "THE" boat.

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When I was about 10 (not sure how old exactly), I heard that I was moving to Pennsylvania. With a feeling of shock and horror, I replied with, "Isn't that where Dracula lives?" Of course my folks got a big kick out of this and said yes, refusing to replace PENNsylvaina with TRANsylvania.

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we lived in a small town. whenever we would go shopping or go see a movie we would drive to a bigger town, lexington. when i was little i used to think that every state had a lexington and that this place was the hub of all cool things. like lexington was a mall or something that spanned miles and miles with restaurants and shoe stores.

shasta, ky
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When I was a kid I really thought there was a Sesame Street. I kept asking my mom & dad if I could go too sesame street and see big bird.

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When I was a child, I used to think that separating Quebec from Canada involved actual physical separation. Needless to say, I was puzzled as to how this would be accomplished. I thought someone would actually saw along the borders.

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As a kid growing up in the Jersey suburbs, I thought that because New York and Newark had similar sounding names, they must be in the opposite direction from each other.

A. Falk, NYC
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When I was about 5 years, I was fond of a movie about a city called BOMBAY, the movie was a black & white print.

Next year, I went to the place with my uncle, and upon looking outside from train I said, "Uncle, this city is not BOMBAY, I know, BOMBAY is black & white, I have seen it in a movie."

I used to believe BOMBAY is famous because its blank & white.

Viral Patel
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when I was about 7, I saw a picture of the Great Wall of China taken from a satelite so that the whole wall could be seen.... When my mom pointed it out and asked if I knew what it was I rsponded "waterslide, big deal"

melissa flanagan
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I remember this magical place where the only thing that occurred was choosing winners in contests that you could enter. The contests were usually in promotion of some favorite kids' food like cereal. The name of the place was RANDOM. As in: the winner will be chosen at random. I never could find it on a map.

Kevin Clearwater
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