i used to believe

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I used to believe that the Lehigh tunnel in Pennsylvania was created by Superman.

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When I was small my mom went to Vegas all the time. I thought it was the city made out of gold in the sky, because I would see the plan take off and not land. :)

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When I was little, I used to think that whatever direction I was facing was north.

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My dad told me (with a straight face) when I was nine that Mt. Rushmore was made in the same way as the Grand Canyon (i.e. millions of years of water carving through stone). For four years I believed him, speaking to no one about it and wondering why the world wasn't abuzz with excitement and awe that a constant rush of water could eventually carve out exact facial replicas of four of America's greatest historical figures. I thought maybe it had been discussed and accepted by people before I was born and no one therefore no one brought up the wonder of it anymore. When I was 13 I finally asked my mom didn't she find the whole thing amazing and she told me the (less than amazing) truth.

Mel H
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I thought that there were mountains in swindon, until I was about 14 when I was told that it was acutally called 'Snowdonia'

Rory Bob Clewlow
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i used to believe that the battle of Hastings happened in a field at the edge of our village (which is in Somerset)

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I was born in Brooklyn NY. Until I was 9 and moved upstate, I thought the entire state of NY consisted of the 5 boroughs (Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, Bronx and Staten Island).

Apparently many people still believe this, as they are shocked when I tell them I live in the mountains of NY...

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top belief!

I used to think that Norwich was Britains answer to Las Vegas, all because of the glamourous image projected by Nicholas Parsons and Sale of the Century. Palm trees, big cars, beautiful women.
Sadly, this belief persisted until I was 19 or so, and actually went to Norwich, and found out it was a dump.

Loz H
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When there was a Western movie on telly I wondered why the town of Yonder was always nearby...As in 'Over yonder' or 'he was heading off yonder'. Took me years to work out that America was much bigger than I thought.

Lee W.
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I used to think that Chicago was pronounced "Chick-ago". Oh well!

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My Dad told us that Bodmin Beacon (a granite war memorial in Cornwall) was Cornwall's "Coal-fired space rocket", and that it just never got off the ground. We believed him.

Dr. Boggis
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I always believed that we lived in Manchester (we didn't) but it was always the main place on the local news!

Richard M
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My mum told my older brother that dogs weren't allowed in London.

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I thought the Mountain of Olives was made out of Olives

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My wife used to think that mow a meadow was a place

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I used to believe that when my Dad went on business trips to America, he could die, because they had cut down all the trees so there was no more oxygen(!).

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I used to believe that Great Britain and Ireland were both circular in shape and were in the Southern Hemisphere, near Australia after something my Grandad said about Australia having the Queen as their head of state.

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I used to believe that electricity was manufactured in a factory in a place called 'Electriz City'.

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top belief!

On the first day back at school after the summer break, my cousin was asked where he had been on holiday. "Chicken" he answered. He meant Turkey.

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I used to think that Liverpool was so called because the town centre had a big swimming pool full of liver in it. My parents were so amused by this that they didn't correct me for years, wheeling me out at family get-togethers to tell everyone my theory.

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