i used to believe

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When I was about 3 my parents would take me to a Christmas light show every year. (I called this "Light Move Land".) Every time we were driving at night and were going towards a city, I saw the dots of light (from the buildings) in the distance and thought we were going to "Light Move Land". Even once I realized what it really was, I still called it that.

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I thought that Loch Ness was actually Loch Nest because it was like the monster's nest

Dietrich Corby
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I used to believe Las Vegas is the capital city of Alaska since they sound alike. To make things worse, my officemate started to think the same way right after I told him my misconception.

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When I was a child, I believed Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota was actually New York city. I thought anytime my mom or dad took me there, we were going to New York.

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I used to believe that if you went to the bottom of the world (Antartica) you would be upside down,and eventually fall off.

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I thought that all US state borders were rivers because my hometown was near a river that served as the border between my state and another. I never considered that perfectly straight rivers don't exist in nature.

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I used to believe the whole world before 1960 was all in black & white, because old television shows were never in color.

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I was taught in second grade that the earth was flat at the poles. Second grade to Fifth grade i believed that we lived near the poles, because i couldn't see the ground curving.

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When my parents took my brother and me to St. Louis, I thought people there spoke a different language.
(I grew up in Indiana.)

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After my first trip on a subway, I thought that there were two levels of the Earth and that half of the world's population had to live underground. I used to feel sorry for them because they weren't able to see the sky.

Andrew Key
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I used to believe that by digging in the sandbox, at my daycare, I would eventually make it to China. My friends and I would dig every day and when we hit the bottom or the sides we thought it was just earth's core.

Chelsey Eichler
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I used to believe that there was only China, America, and Canada in the world. I was in Canada and China was in America.

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I used to think maps and globes were somehow connected to places they represent, so if you touched a point on the map, in that part of the world a giant finger would come out of the sky. I refused to touch maps until I was about 8 years old, because "what if my finger hurts someone?"

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I have family in several different states, and when I was little, every time someone would talk about these family members, I imagined that they lived crowded together in a long, white hallway, because obviously Ohio was the only state where people had houses and such.

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i used to beleive that no one was born outside of the US. i could never understand why anyone would ever leave.

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i used to believe that Afghanistan was in-between Wisconsin and Minnesota. I always wondered why we were sending troops to our own country...

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All colleges had campuses in the state of Maine not just a main campus.

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I got the word immigrant confused with terrorist. I moved to the US when I was 4 and I used to think I was a terrorist instead of an immigrant.

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When my mom was little her map of the U.S. had our state (Ohio) green and the other states were a variety of other colors. My mother then believed that the grass in other states was the color on the map. She wouldn't believe my grandma that they were in Michigan because the grass wasn't purple.

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i used to believe that all of south america was mexico

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