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when I was about 10 I used to sit in Benhill Rec, a park in Sutton, surrey. In the distance I could see what I believed to be the eiffel tower. It wasn't till a few years later I realised it was a electricity pylon in Croydon

linda hurst
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My brother once told me that the world would become so polluted that one day it would explode.
Shortly afterwards I overheard a news report on the television about NASA revealing more "evidence in support of the Big Bang Theory".
For several days I was absolutely terrified.

Richard Green
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My parents are from China, but my sister and I were born in the United States. Whenever my parents talked about wanting to take us to China for vacation, I'd be TERRIFIED because I had heard about their one child policy (to reduce the population growth rate), and I thought they would kill me for being the younger daughter!

Samantha from California
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As a child in the U.S., I once saw a detailed map of London, on which I noticed Picadilly Circus and other circuses. I became envious of the people of London, thinking that circuses, of the kind that come to town only once a year where I live, were going on all the time in London, and there one could go and be entertained by the acrobats, clowns, and animals, etc. any day of the year.

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I live near a beach and when I was little we'd go down to the beach almost every day. There's an island nearby, and when I was little I'd look out over the water and think that island was England.

When I visited my cousins in California I saw another island off the beach and desided it was Japan. On the way back I reasoned it couldn't be Japan, Japan's too far away. It must have been Hawaii.

Banana Hanna
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I used to believe that each state of the United States was a living being---like a different breed of animal. I used to think that I might see a Florida walking down the street or a Mississippi driving a car on the interstate.

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When I was little, I thought Saudi Arabia was 'Salty Arabia', and that all those sand dunes were made of salt. It made sense to me.

John Price
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When I first heard that Newfoundland didn't become a part of Canada until 1949, I thought its name meant that it was a land only first found at that time, and was previously unknown.

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I used to believe what ever color the state was on the map was what color the grass and everything was in that state.

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I used to think that the pihllipenes was pronounced

Philip Penis which is funny, coz my dads name was philip haha.

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I used to think that paying someone's bail means you pay to get them out of prison forever. Like even if you were sentenced to life in prison you could buy your way out.

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I used to think that Liverpool was so called because the town centre had a big swimming pool full of liver in it. My parents were so amused by this that they didn't correct me for years, wheeling me out at family get-togethers to tell everyone my theory.

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I was just old enough to ride my bicycle around our Seattle Neighborhood in the Northwestern US. My understanding of geography was such that Washington, was just south of Canada. With this in mind, I set out one day to bike to Canada. Some six to eight blocks north of our house I asked a lady doing yardwork, "Is this Canada?" "No. You have a ways to go yet." she replied.
So maybe it was a 120 miles, give or take, but then I couldn't have told you how far a mile was either.

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when I was 6 my Dad went to visit India and when he came back he told me about the people living in mud houses.

Our house in NZ was near the water and when we drove over the bridge and the tide was out my parents would point out the mudflats to me. They were certain that they were there but I always looked for the little mud houses and the poor people that must have lived in them and I could never see them...I felt sorry for them for a long long time...

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When I(from India) was in USA for an assignement(Software), I found that my Manager believed, everybody in India had Elephants just like people in US had Cars.She couldn't understand why we laughed for a looong time before we could explain her.

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When I was little, I used to believe that the Leaning Tower of Piza was actually the Leaning Tower of Pizzas. I would always ask my mom how it stayed there and why nobody just ate it!

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i used to believe that the other half of the world was an exact mirror image of this half, and that everyone had someone else that looked exactly like them on the other side. I always thought it was a race with your own look-a-like to finish whatever it is you do in life first. If i was reading a book, i would always wonder if my look-a-like on the other side of the world was up to the same page I was. I would imagine i was always winning with her having to run to catch up. I called it the Game of Life and even wrote stories about it.

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i used to think, when i was about 4 that i lived inside a whale because i live ion the country Wales

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up until i was about seven, i could not grasp the concept that their really werent physical dividers between the states, like their were on most maps of the US used for weather.

when i was seven, my family went on the first road trip, and i was severely dissapointed when i found out "crossing the state border" only amounted to viewing a "welcome to" sign

Gertrude Williams
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For the longest time I thought that the entire world was living in the past while the United States was the only country in the present. Ex: I thought that anyone from Africa lived in a hut and if you were from China you lived like Mulan. When an African foreign exchange student came to live with us I asked her if she had ever been chased by a lion. Bewildered, she said no. Then I wanted to know if they took field trips to the Savannah. No, they didn't. Finally I tried showing her how appliances work, thinking she'd be amazed by electricty, turns out she had all of those things too! I was sooo confused. It took a long time for me to realize that people from different countries live in houses just like ours. lol

Never Traveled Out of the Country
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