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i used to believe that everytime we elected a president was because the old one died!!:)
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when was little i used to believe that if you won the grand national you would become prime minister
When my brother (16 yrs my senior) went to vote in the General Election I asked him to put my vote in for Harold Wilson - on his return he confirmed that he'd done it. When he won I was delighted and told all my friends about how I had contributed to the victory. It was about 10 years later when my sister-in-law, in an argument, told me that you have to be 18 to vote. I couldn't believe that my brother had lied to me.
I am from Ireland but grew up in london in the 1980's. At that time Northern Ireland was in the news a lot as was Sinn Fein. Until i was 8 i thought Sinn Fein was a woman and i couldn't work out why she never came on tv herself.
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I didn't realize the whole checks and balances thing when I was little, and I thought the president could just order something to be done, and it would have to be done. So I always wondered why he didn't order the nation to reelect him, so he could be president forever. I thought that maybe the ONLY thing a president couldn't do was order himself to be reelected, so I thought that he should confer with another country, and come to an agreement that if the other country's president would help his pass a law so he could be president forever, he would help that other president in doing the same thing. At least that's what I was planning on doing if I ever became president!!
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I used to believe that "Bush" (the president) was an actual bush. I thought that was kind of stupid that people were listening to a bush, so I didn't tell them what I thought so I wouldn't offend them!
While in kindergarten one day, I remember somebody interrupting the class and telling us that Jimmy Carter had been elected president. Shortly after I asked my teacher what a president did and was given a rushed answer, "he runs for stuff...". For the few years following I believed that the president was a marathon runner who did so wearing a suit followed by other suited runners wearing dark sunglasses.
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My cousin told me there was a button in London which only the Queen could press and it would blow up the world. I prayed for a very long time that the queen would not get angry!!
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I was about six or seven when Clinton was having the sex scandal, and one day I walked into the room and asked why mom was watching the news. She said that they were trying to decide whether they should impeach the president or not. I thought that impeach meant to throw peaches at a person, and like dump cans of peaches over their heads. I wanted him to get impeached so that I could watch the president all covered in peaches!
Growing up in the UK in the 80s, I thought Margaret Thatcher was married to Michael Foot, the left-wing leader of the opposition, and that all the stuff on the news about her being the Iron Lady and him being a hopeless old lefty was to do with the fact that she bullied him at home and wouldn't do the cooking and stuff.
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I used to think that when a president "died in office," he was just sitting at his desk in his office and would just sorta collapse.
My best friend was called Tory, short for Victoria (although I never figured out her real name until after I moved away). When my mum told me about the 'Tory party' I first thought that it was her birthday party that I wasn't invited to. When she explained what the 'Tory party' really was I thought that my friend was really secretly their leader. Thankfully, I figured out that I was wrong before I told anyone.
I used to belive that the american flag was the california flag! i was in the 5th grade when i realized it wasent!
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When I was very young, I thought that there was a new president each day. I'd repeatedly ask who it was, and thought that George Bush (the elder) must be really good at his job, since he was president seemingly every day.
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For some reason, I used to think that there was a big red button in the middle of the President's desk, and if he pressed it the whole world would explode. I also didn't think it was a very well-guarded button, and I always worried that he would accidentally lean on it.
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When I was a little girl growing up in Georgia in the 1970's, my Daddy told me that President Jimmy Carter was a close personal friend of his. (He was from our own home state!) Daddy convinced me that we were going to be invited to the White House, and that I was going to play in the backyard with little Amy on her swingset.
In 2nd grade, our teacher began every morning with a discussion of current events. One day she said that the topic for the next morning would be the Watergate hearings. That night I asked my mom what Watergate was, and she replied "It's a dirty trick by the Democrats to make the Republicans look bad."
My teacher wasn't too impressed with my answer.
Up Until 7yrs Old I used To Think President Regan Used To Be The President Of The World.
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when I was young I used to believe David Letterman was the president. I mean, he was always on TV at night during "adult" time and he always wore a suit and tie..
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When I was in junior high (1970s), I heard that if the Equal Rights Amendment passed, men and women would no longer have separate public bathrooms. That idea haunted me for years. I would actively worry about it. I would wake up in the morning and wonder if today was the day when the restrooms at the mall would no longer be separate.
When I was a senior in college, I asked my women's studies teacher if this was ever part of the ERA. Her face got sad as she told me it was part of the misinformation put out by those who were against passage of the ERA. And I knew I had gotten an object lesson in the power of propaganda.
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