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top belief!
When I was little I used to believe everything the government does is right and for the good of everyone.
top belief!
When I was little I wanted to be president.
I thought a president has power to do whatever he or she wanted because I didn't know about the constitution or three branches of government. So I was determined to become president and make it a law that everyone had to have a horse.
When I was little I used to think that the main news anchorman on TV was the prime minister since he had gray hair and was on TV every night.
I thought you could vote as many times as you want, not just once.
I thought the secretary of defense/state etc just scribed stuff like a normal secretary and didn't do anything else
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I used to worry that the presidential candidate my parents didn't vote for won, the world would end. Luckily it wasn't put to the test until I had some sence knocked into me.
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When I used to hear things on the news like "Terrorists are a serious threat to the peace and security of the world" I wondered what was so bad about people who travelled to other places on vacation (tourists).
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I thought that socialism just meant being social and didn't get why anyone would be against it!
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Before I knew about voting I thought a president was picked as so: the old president would have everyone in the country go to this HUGE building where he would stand on a stage at ask "ok, who wants to be president?" and anyone who wanted to be would raise their hands and the old president would pick one at random and they would be the new president!
Where I live (Santa Rosa) their is a magazine called The Press Democrat. As a kid I remember thinking there must also be a Press Republican but only Republicans can read it and vice versa for Press Democrat
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When I was little, I thought people voted by putting out candidates' signs on their lawn. I thought if you put out more signs than you were voting more, and I didn't understand why we only put out 2.
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I used to believe that the candidate that lost the Presidential election became the Vice President as a sort of consolation prize. I didn't realize candidates picked their vice presidents ahead of time.
I used to think that if the president (and maybe police officers as well; I don't remember) told anyone to do something, they were required by law to do it.
top belief!
You know how every state has an official state seal? Until I was in SIXTH grade I thought that every state had a real seal (the animal) at their state capital.
I thought that ex-presidents always had to wear and "X," and if you called them President or ex-President, they would arrest you.
top belief!
I thought that a President was like an elected dictator who could do anything he wanted and we were just lucky we never got an evil guy as President
I used to believe the whitewater scandal meant a bad person polluted water to make it white. I was very cautious when I turned a faucet or drinking fountain.
When I was in kindergarten I used to believe that George Washington was the first president, Abraham Lincoln was the second and Jimmy Carter was the third. I just could never figure out why they started dressing so differently!
top belief!
I used to believed that Barbra Bush was the first woman ever created because everyone called her the First Lady during the 1992 election.
As a young child about 8 to 10 yrs. (I'm 57 now and live in north-central B.C. Canada), I used to think a Columnist & a Communist were much the same thing.My mom once mentioned a columnist & I said is she a Communist?
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