i used to believe

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I'm from Milwaukee. In the mid to late '70's the Milwaukee Brewers had a rightfielder named Sixto Lezcano. I was about 5 or 6 at the time. My older brother convinced me that Sixto had 6 toes, thus his first name.

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I thought that every goal scored in Australin Rules football was scored by Neil Kerley (a well known S. Aust. football player) as I believed he was the goal umpire at every game and at both ends of all games.Only Australians will understand how this would screw the whole scoring system

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I used to believe that Niki Lauda and Claudia Comaneci both where italians

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top belief!

I used to believe that the winners of big sporting events like the World Series or Superbowl were actually "World Champions" and were somehow bestowed some type of high level political power like a seat at the United Nations or something like that. They worked in conjunction with winners of other events like Miss Universe to make sure the world was in order.

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I use to believe that the players on professional sports teams actually were born and raised in the towns whose team's they played for. I also believed the teams were owned by the towns.

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I used to believe that the Soccer Wordl Championship "Italia 90" was called so cause a game lasts 90 minuts, and not because we were actually on the year 1990.

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When I was a kid, my older sister told me about a friend of hers that was taking fencing. I asked "like, wooden or chain link?"

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I used to think the Super Bowl was a huge bowling tournament.

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I used to believe that american footballers wore special shoulder pads which moulded their shoulders to make them so big and square...and I believed this until I was 15

squizy rach
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When my mom took me to a women's basketball game I wanted to bring my basketball because I thought I was going to play the game.

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in base ball...
1. the umpire would walk you if he liked you. my dad was the umpire, and i wasn't very good at baseball.
2. srikes were determend by how evil the picture looked.

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I used to think that when the crowd at a football match were whistling at the referee they were all actually screaming.

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top belief!

when my sister was little she thought that in order to do gymnastics, you had to find a gym first that did nastics.

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When I was at primary school, a lot of my friends used to think that the number on a footballer's shirt told you how old he was. The goalkeeper wears a number 1 shirt, so they must have thought all goalkeepers were big babies!

Alan, Sheffield
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When I was little my dad would sometimes go out to play hockey with his friends. I thought he played on our local NHL team and announced this to my entire grade one class.

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When I was 10 I got a baseball glove for my birthday and proceeded to demonstrate my version of a 'change-up'--a ridiculously slow wind-up followed by a sudden, last-second quick release! When friends came over my mom would call me over and say, 'Show them your "change-up"!'

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I used to believe Rimming was an actual person that played on every basketball team. When a player would shoot the ball and it would hit the rim, the sports announcer would say “rimming, no!” I would look for the person on the court with that name, always bewildered that I couldn’t ever find him, seeing as how he was in every game I was watching.

Benjamin S
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When we heard the announcer during the football games our father watched on TV, my brother and I believed that every yard on the football field was as big as the back yard of our house. Football fields were ENORMOUS.

Bruce L.
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When I was a kid, there was a neighbor's house where they frequently watched wrestling matches on TV. Once the neighbor told me that the object of the wreatling match was to break through the floor of the wreatling ring. For a long time afterwards, any time I saw a wrestling match on TV, I kept waiting for someone to break through that floor into the area below, inside the box-like structure that supported the wrestling ring. For years I watched in vain to see anyone do that, and concluded for a long time that winning a wrestling match must be a quite rare event.

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Ernie Harwell was the announcer for Tiger Baseball until a few years ago. I listened to him during most of my youth.

I used to believe that Ernie Harwell actually knew the towns that people were from when they'd catch foul balls at Tiger Stadium.

A ball would be hit towards the stand and Ernie would say " There's a loooong fly ball and a young man from Constantine Michigan caught that one."

I was always intrigued as to how he was able to figure it out so quickly.

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