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I used to believe that the day added to February every leap year stayed on permanently, so the number of days in February would go up to 29, then 30, then 31, and on up indefinitely until it was the longest month imaginable.
when people told me to wait a minute i would say "1, its been a minute!"
top belief!
I thought the big hand was for the hour and the smaller one was for the minutes until i was in third grade.
i remeber saying to my mum that i only remember Christmas being on Wednesdays. She laughed at me at me, and i then realised how wrong i was but i always thought it was on the same day, I believed that til i was 14,
My brother and I were walking around in our orchard and he got bored so he told me to wait beside our fence for a minute while he went inside to get something. He told me to count to 60 because I was really little and didn't know what a minute was and then he left. Well, I didn't know how to count past fifteen, so I was out there for about ten minutes before I went looking for, for the longest time I thought minutes were that long.
In 1st grade my teacher told me to remind her that I had to leave at 1 pm for a dental appointment. I thought that meant I had to remind her every few minutes, so from 8-1, I raised my hand every 15 minutes or so & reminded her. She never got mad or acted like I was doing something strange!
if someone told me to wait 5 mins i thought if i sounded out f-i-v-e m-i-n-u-t-e-s that would be 5 minutes gone.
When I was a baby (old enough to talk) whenever my mom asked me what time it was I would say 45 for some reason.
I thought that the day started at 5:00 A.M. I would always get mad when people said the day started at Midnight. And when they said that 1:00 P.M. was 13:00 in military time, I was wondering why they had 13 instead of 8.
I don't remember how or why, but somehow my sister convinced me that everyone skipped the year 2000 because scientific evidence proved that the Earth was older than that, and skipped right on to 2001... I believed her for above three years. Seriously XD
when i was about 6 years old, i thought that there was 100 minutes in an hour, and of course, when some of my friends asked me how many minutes there was in an hour, i blurted out '100!!' everyone started to laugh, and they still haven't forgot about it!!
top belief!
Not my belief .. actually my cousin's. When my cousin was young (maybe 5 or 6)My parents and I traveled from our home state of Wisc. to his home state of Conn. to visit family. Well, in Wisc. ATMs are called TYME Machines (TYME being the brand or whatever of ATM) Well when we took my young cousin to the mall shopping he thought that we were either mad or Wisc. was a wonderful place of easy time travel ... because we kept looking around the mall for "Time Machines"
I once refused to believe in Thursday. I'd heard there were seven days in a week, but could only name six.
From being 3 until about 7, every New Year's Eve a Great Uncle would tell me to go to the 'Turnpike' in town and I'd see a man sat there with as many noses as there were days left in the year; for years i thought there was a man with 365 noses and begged my mum and dad to take me to see him, until i was old enough to work out what he actually meant!
top belief!
When I was younger, I thought that Labour Day was when all sorts of women gave birth.
In Kingdergarten everyday my teacher would ask one of the kids what day it was. In case she asked me, I asked my mom what day it was every morning. One day I asked my mom and she told me that it was tomorrow. That very day my teacher asked me what day it was, and my reply was "today is tomorrow". Everyone was laughing at me.
I thought that the world would stop, and we would be faced with 365 day cycles of light and dark, and that then electricians would have half a year to take peoples money and half a year to relax in their yachts.
When I was little, I believed that after 1999 would come the year infinity and that it would be like that forever and ever.
i never knew that phrase 24/7 referred to 24 hours a day 7 days a week. i thought it was like another service station as in 7 Eleven.
When i was younger i use to believe that the new year started in October. I dont know why..but it wasnt untill 3 grade when my teacher lead us in the months of the year did i realize that it started with January and not October.
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