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I used to think that people who were born in a leap year only had a birthday each 4 years. So when I was 6 my baby cousin sure enough was born on Feb. 29 1996 and to this day he is only 3 years old to me.
When I was smaller, I was convinced that time didn't begin until I was born. How could all these people live without me around? I found it impossible. Seeing people on TV who lived before I was even an egg was scary, and drove me crazy.
I used to believe adults who made the systems in the world were really thick in the head. Here are two reasons why:
a) The way a clock works. If you were going to have two of something, couldn't you have made it two dials, instead of two needles?! One dial with only the hours (numbers 1 to 12), one dial with only the minutes (numbers 1 to 60). My childhood brain was very stubborn and just couldn't accept that a 1 could be 5, 2 a 10 and 3 a 15 and so on. It was the dumbest instrument to be ever made; instead of being easy to read, it was totally frustrating for me.
b) Piano books. Please, I beg of you, why on earth did you have to start at different notes for the left hand and right hand? Couldn't you respect the beauties of nature, and mimic symmetry?! I ended up giving pinao for this very reason. To this day, I solemnly detest piano books; they make no visual sense to me at all.
When I was young I did not understand the time zone thing. I wondered how TV studios could get the recorded shows all the way to the next time zone at the end of the show so it could "air" on time.
top belief!
When I was little, about 3 years old, my grandma used to call perfume toilet water. One day before we went out to eat somewhere, Grandma said she was going to put on some toilet water. A few mintues after that, I was gone and my mom couldn't find me. When she finally did find me, I was in the bathroom standing in front of the toilet, sopping wet. When my mom asked me what I was doing, I replied very seriously, "I'm putting on toilet water so I can smell pretty mommy!"
When I was younger, for some strange reason, I thought there was another part of the day. It was in between the AM and the PM. This was because people would always refer to the parts of the day as morning, afternoon, and night. I honestly thought there was three parts to the day. And when your a very young child without any cares or burdens, you thought the day lasted forever. I did not want to look stupid so I never asked anyone.
We re in AZ, my firns in IL. On 9/11 after the attack had happened I get a call from my fiend in IL. During the conversation she says, "well, we saw it happen first becasue we are 2 hours ahead of you in time" Hehehe, I didn't correct her.
When ever i would ask my brother or sister for something they would hold on a minute. so i would stand back count to one and then cotinue asking them. they would yell at me, "That was a second!!!"
top belief!
1972 was a leap year. My sister told me that meant February had a "29th" but some years didn't have the last day of February.
Did this happen to other months? I was so scared that maybe July would sometimes drop its last day, and I wouldn't get my birthday. No birthday presents! Horrors!
Lucky for me, I did in fact get to turn 3 that year. Phew!
When I was a kid - about six or seven years old - I didn't think that midnight was a time of day. I thought it meant that it was late at night - not just late at night, but it had to be stormy to be midnight!
that groundhog's day was the beginning of beaver hunting season. I pictured a bunch of pilgrims sneaking up on an unsuspecting beaver's hole (don't ask me why i thought grounhogs were beavers) and yanking the poor thing out. I thought they would wave it around and then bash it on the ground to kill it. If it hit its shadow i thought that meant people could hunt beavers until spring. I'd seen various pictures of those strange men in top hats (who look rather like pilgrims) waving around these big rodents (who also look like beavers). I guess i sort of combined thanksgiving and groundhog's day in my mind. I dunno, but i'm starting to think i was a crack-baby.
top belief!
I was 9 and it was new years eve. My family was watching all the other countries around the world celebrate the new year. At one point i said, "isn't it cool how we are the only ones that get to celebrate new years eve at midnight?" Hey, i was 9, the whole time zone concept was still new to me!
When I was little I used to be afraid that when I flushed the toilet I would make the spirits of the house angry and I only had 10 seconds after flushing to find someone or the spirits could get me. So i would stand as far away from the toilet as possible, then flush and run like hell through the house trying to find someone.
top belief!
My Mom told me that the reason why you go to bed later than normal and have dinner later than normal (when we were in Nova Scotia for a vacation we had dinner at 8:30pm) was because the closer you got to Greenwich England the faster time goes by.
When I was young I would ask what da it was and people would say to me 'It's Wednesday all day' ( or whatever day it was). So I used to believe that there was a point in the year when it would be Wednesday in the morning and Thursday in the afternoon - why else would they have used the phrase?
i remember asking my mum when my friends would come over and she'd say something like "after lunch" or "after dinner" i thought that meant that if i ate my lunch or dinner at 8am my friends would come straight after
On New Year's Eve (about to be 1996) around 11:30, I asked my mom when 1995 was going to come again. SHe told me years only came around once and that it wasn't coming back. I started crying hysterically screaming "I don't want 1995 to go I like it here!" My mom told me it was okay and that 1996 was going to be a better year, but I cryed "But 1995 was my favorite!" I had just turned 4 two weeks before this incident.
**What makes this even funnier is that 1995 was the year when:
~My aunts dog attacked me
~I almost drowned in a pool because I thought I was ready for the deep end.
~I fell off a swingset and hit my head on a rusty fence.
~I ran into the kitchen table head-first and had to go to the hospital (well this was about the third time i did this in my life...i should have learned.
Why on Earth would I want this year to come back?
my b-day is on december 31
and right now it is december 3
well, im only 10 right now and on december 3 2004 i found out sunday is the first day of the week, not monday!
I used to wonder that maybe in reality I just repeat the same day over and over. I was always relieved when the next day arrived, but I always wondered, Is this my last day? How would I know? And hey, I found out there's a movie like that called Grounhog day.
I used to believe that summer vaction lasted a year (that is how long it felt to me). I was very upset when I found out how long it really was.
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