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I used to believe that there were only two years, 1973 and 1974, and that they alternated being the current year.
I used to think that fater time and mother earth were married
I have a friend who is a freshman in college this year. She was in a class and notice on the sylabus that she had off on a monday in january and it said, "MLK Day" below it. She raised her hand and asked the professer, "What is Milk Day." The class, while giggling, told her that's a day when you're supposed to got to a farm and milk a cow. She said, "Oh, weird, I've never heard of that." So from now on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day will always be "Milk Day."
When i was little my uncle use to tell me that if I didnt go to bed by 8 o'clock that I would turn into a pumpkin. I didnt learn that that wasnt true until i was 9. I was so confused
When I was little, I was just BENT on going back to the dinosaur age like Calvin and Hobbes. I made a box, drew on it, and sat in it for over 48 hours at a time. I'd occasionally yell "MOM! I THINK I'M TOO HUNGRY FOR IT TO WORK!" so she'd bring me some stuff. So finally, I went back to the dinosaur age, but my mom was like "No dinosaurs, it's time for school." I woke up...depressed.
When I was little (say, 6 or 7 years young) I used to believe that in different states, countries, places, and towns that I would be in a different year. For instance, when we went to England...I thought that the year was 1887...and when we when to France, i thought it was 1908... or when we were at home it was "normal" time.
Man, I was a confused kid.
top belief!
I used to believe that Christmas happened every once in a while because people decided to put up lights.
I never connected it with years or anything.
top belief!
When I was 5 and learned what the calendar was, I thought the end of the calendar was the end of all life. So one day in December when I flipped the calendar and that was the last page, I had the biggest temper tantrum ever. I wasn't ready to die at 5 and didn't understand why the Norman Rockwell painting on the last picture of the last page of the last calendar of life on earth was so happy looking.
My parents used to scare my little sister and I half to death by saying that if we weren't in bed by 8pm then Wee Willie Winkie would come knocking at our letterbox....we never knew who he was or what he'd do, but hell we were scared!
At about the age of 6 i asked my mother
what day it was. The reply was given in the form of a rather poor gag.
needless to say the following wednesday i attempted to let my teacher know that i could go home at lunch time because today finished early.
It took me another 23 years to figure out that all days last 24 hours
Still we live in hope
top belief!
When I was 8 I was convinced that I could build a working time machine using a calculator, a carboard box, and a bunch of Dad's junk from the garage. I gave up after 3 days.
I was born in the early 70s. Therefore I assumed that fashion never changed until the 80s came along.
when i was young, when some 1 said time flies, i wondered why there wernt clocks flying aroun
As a child I could never figure out how people knew what hour it was when people said its 15 past the hour or so on. I thought their was some trick to it.
top belief!
As a kid, I believed that September was the first month of the year. It was when school started, the new TV shows came out, the new models of cars started being advertised. Made perfect sense to me.
I was WICKEDLY SCARED when the year changed from 1983 to 1984 (I was 7 years old) because all I ever heard was that 1984 was supposed to be a BAD year.
You know how some calendars have the number of days left in the year and/or the day of the year that is was in the date box (ex: Feb 1 would have a '32' and a '334' in it), well I was CONVINCED from about age 6-8 that one of those numbers meant the number of days until a nuclear war started!
Up until I was able to actually tell time, I believe that nights were very long. I also believed that sometimes I would sleep for days. Strange.
top belief!
When I was about 10 years old, I thought that if I raced home from school (which let out at 3:15pm) fast enough, I could get home in time to catch my favorite cartoon starting at 3:00pm. In my mind, the faster I raced home, the more likely I was to get there at 3:00pm.
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