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I used to believe that each week had a name, like 'Monday-Week' and 'Tuesday-Week'. Not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
My mom told me one day, "No Nintendo for an hour." I was 5at the time and I couldn't read a clock or for that matter understand a clock's simple function. That hour was the longest hour of my life! I was always running back into the kitchen to look at the oven clock. It said 2:01 so I thought that the 1 meant my hour was up so I could play Nintendo now. I bugged my mom about then she had to explain to me, "the 2 is the hour and the 1 is the minute." Oh great now I have the minutes to think about too?!?! I thought my mother was tricking me and that the minutes would move up and down having no effect to the hour indicator.
I couldn't ever figure out why people changed their clocks...You see, in some cartoons, i saw that when they changed the hands on clocks, the sun or moon would move accordingly...I never allowed my mother or father to touch their clocks in my presence...i was about 3 or 4 at the time and very weird...
When I was about 10 I used to believe that when I was in school the world would wait until I got home before starting. One day I went to the doctor during school time and realised that the world carried on without me.
When I was 4 I coudn't quite grasp how hours and half hours worked. I judged all time by how many Scooby Doo shows could fit in. A drive to chicago took an overwhelming 10 Scooby Doo's!!!!
In kindergarden my friend told me that there were 24 hours in the day and 15 hours in the night.
I used to believe that if I looked at the clock and it was exactly midnight, I had to stare at it until it changed to 12:01 or else something terrible would happen.
As I was getting more mature, I started getting allowance for my chores. I was saving up because at my age there wasn't much I wanted to buy.
I was also discovering the concept of time. I was determined to know what time bed time was, and when I had to wake up and so on. I constantly asked my father what time it was so I could memorize such things.
After finding out how much allowance I had saved up, he told me,
"It's time for you to get a watch!"
everytime I asked for the time. I figured that it was an actual time of day and told everyone else the same until I actually bought a watch.
when i was about 6 years old, i thought that there was 100 minutes in an hour, and of course, when some of my friends asked me how many minutes there was in an hour, i blurted out '100!!' everyone started to laugh, and they still haven't forgot about it!!
when i was a little girl i always thought that there were days in between each least 3 or 4 days..never realizing that when one month ends, another one starts
When I was really little I used to believ that there were 100 Seconds in every minute, and 100 minutes in every hour...that is until I went to 3rd grade...
For some reason I never connected the months of the year with calendars, so when I was around 5 or 6 I thought that everyone could automatically tell when one month was up and another had begun. I would think to myself "wow this month passed quick" practically every week.
Thinking about it I probably heard this a lot from stressed adults (with bills to pay every month) and just figured whenever they said it, that was another month gone.
If I was incharge of time you would all be 104 years old by now!
A little while back I used to believe that when you weren't looking, clocks stopped moving or went backwards. Because everytime I looked at the clock I thought I would see it go backwards for a second before starting up again. I'm still not so sure about those things :/
When I was very young I had a subscription to Sesame Street magazine, and a January issue had, of course, a New Year's section, which was the cycle of the months illustrated by different balloons in a circle, all labeled. It stuck with me in my head, and from then on I believed I could "see" time in my head - a visual cycle of months (although I think when I got older my mind changed the balloons to little calendar pages).
Once I grasped the big picture of 12 months becoming a year, I started picturing the years too: Each cycle, labeled by year, the current year being on top of this huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge spiral of years, and looking downward you see the past. Thing is, I can still visualize it in my mind now, and it is depressing to realize how far away the year I got that magazine is now! D:
I remember when I was a kid someone tried to explain the Theory of Relativity to me but I completely misunderstood and thought it meant when time seems like its going slow because you're bored it really was going slower
I used to believe that every country in the world had the same time. Guess I didn't consider time zones eh?
I was never able to get a good answere as to what hour of the day "evening" actually began
When I was in third grade, in the early 90's I was reading a book about the millenium with a friend. I was convienced that we'd all be old and/or dead by that time. He tried to tell me otherwise, but it didn't exactly work. I forget when I found out the truth.
Hearing someone once use the phrase "Tuesday Week" (to mean a week on Tuesday) as a small child, I became convinced that sometime when I was about 6/7 there was a whole week where every day was a Tuesday.
Even after I figured out what was really meant by it, I still remained convinced this had happened for a long time.
Up until I was able to actually tell time, I believe that nights were very long. I also believed that sometimes I would sleep for days. Strange.
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