i used to believe

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When I was about 8 I use to look at the clock to see if it was time to go to school, but I was convinced if I looked at the clock, looked away and didn't look at it again right away time would move faster. It was a superstition I some how convinced myself of at that time. I somehow got past it. And really don't have any superstitions now.

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I used to believe tat leap year was a year when all the frogs came out and jumped on leap pads with numbers on them.

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i used to believe that AD stood for after death but i found out later that it stood for annos domine- year of the lord

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At about the age of 6 i asked my mother
what day it was. The reply was given in the form of a rather poor gag.
needless to say the following wednesday i attempted to let my teacher know that i could go home at lunch time because today finished early.
It took me another 23 years to figure out that all days last 24 hours

Still we live in hope

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when i was a kid i thought that there were 100 minutes in an hour

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I thought that the world would end at year 2000, or all the buildings in the world would suddenly get very high-tech.

Luiz Alfonso
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I used to believe that the tap water at basins in public toilets and at schools was somehow derived or tainted from the urine.

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When 'daylight savings' came around every year, I used to get very excited. I thought it was 'A Day LIKE Saving', so if it had been a fabulous day, you could stretch it out an extra hour!

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When I was little, I couldn't grasp the concept of "forever' -- as in, living in heaven without end. I imagined a huge wheel in space, endlessly turning... it was very scary to me.

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up until last year (2006) i had believed that the days got shorter some time in december, it is wasnt until my birthday last year that i realized that from that day forward the days got shorter, since my birthday is june 21--the longest day of the year, i was at that time 17

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When i was about 5 or 6 I used to belive that if sb asked me what the time was how would i be able to tell them the time. I was also concerned how to find clothing which were sailored!

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We re in AZ, my firns in IL. On 9/11 after the attack had happened I get a call from my fiend in IL. During the conversation she says, "well, we saw it happen first becasue we are 2 hours ahead of you in time" Hehehe, I didn't correct her.

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I used to think the weekends were three days instead of two!

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I knew that there was a leap year every four years, and I knew there was a presidential election every four years, so I assumed, not so unreasonably, that the election must be on February 29!

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I used to believe that everything that happened in the world was carefully planned!
I remember how disappointed I was that day I suddenly realised that what happened in the world wasn't as planned and organised as I thought!
Lost my innocense all right...

Trine L
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When I was about 4 or 5, I always kept asking my mother when it was time for me to go to bed:Mommy, when is tomorrow?? And she kept answering that if I go to sleep right away, when I wake up it will be tomorrow. When i woke up the next morning I would always ask: Is now tomorrow??

It made sence then!!!

Vedrana, Croatia
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In fourth grade, my teacher decided to tell us about the four seasons. However, he had an odd sense of humor, and told my class that on the first day of spring, there was a sound like, well, a spring. In the fall, he continued, there was a heavy thud. Being considerably more naive than I am now, I firmly believed this until the middle of fifth grade.
God, I was an idiot.

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When I was young and people would ask what time it was or when it was announced on the radio, they said it was a quarter after or a quarter till the hour, I always thought it ment 25 till or after. I believed this for at least 8-10 years. One day we was to go on a school outing. I showed up at a quater after, and not a sole was in sight, the bus had already left on their field trip. I was disappointed and mad they had left without me. And to top it off, I had no way to get home. The school house doors were all locked. And when I finally found a phone I had no idea what so ever what my phone number was, and yet I knew many other peoples phone numbers. No money, just a check made out to the school for the field trip and I was to get the change for pop, candy, etc... from them. Even though it was only a nickle to make a call, I had no money, no phone number, no ride and I lived about 10 miles out in the country.
I started to cry. After my sob story to a 411 operator, she called my Mom and let me talk to her. She was a nice lady. I felt stupid and hurt.

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I just used to think that seconds were minutes and minutes were seconds....I believed that until about 5th grade.

I know...it's sad.

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I used to beleive 'good days' were when absolutely nothing went wrong and everything went perfectly. If one little thing didn't go my way, I considered it a 'bad day'. When I was six, I declared to my shocked parents I never had a good day in my entire life, every day was a bad day.

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