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I read in a magazine that germs and bacteria from the toilet could spray up to 20 feet. So after that, whenever I used the toilet, I would wash my hands before I flushed and I would hold my breath and run! Now I just close the toilet lid.
My sister is two years younger than me. When I was little, I was convinced that I'm gonna catch up when I grow older.
Glad it didn't happen ;-)
I used to think that a "New York Minute" was another form of time measurement, like an inch compared to a centemeter. I figured people living in New York had a different clock.
In a 24 hour day, you slept 12 hours and were awake 12 hours
I used to believe that someone controlled time and he would stop it for a really long time. Well, I used to belive that if you were going to say something you would forget it, and that's why I always forgot something I was going to say.
My sister believed that october was the 10th month!
When I was like 3 or 4, I would share stories with my family, for example, about nursery school. Someone in my family would say something like, "Oh, when did that happen, Marybeth?", and I would be like, "It happened tomorrow", thinking tomorrow meant "yesterday". How funny is that?
when i was a kid I thought that one week was one day!
I used to believe adults who made the systems in the world were really thick in the head. Here are two reasons why:
a) The way a clock works. If you were going to have two of something, couldn't you have made it two dials, instead of two needles?! One dial with only the hours (numbers 1 to 12), one dial with only the minutes (numbers 1 to 60). My childhood brain was very stubborn and just couldn't accept that a 1 could be 5, 2 a 10 and 3 a 15 and so on. It was the dumbest instrument to be ever made; instead of being easy to read, it was totally frustrating for me.
b) Piano books. Please, I beg of you, why on earth did you have to start at different notes for the left hand and right hand? Couldn't you respect the beauties of nature, and mimic symmetry?! I ended up giving pinao for this very reason. To this day, I solemnly detest piano books; they make no visual sense to me at all.
when people told me to wait a minute i would say "1, its been a minute!"
This passed year my 6 year old sister was completely shocked to find out fall startes on September 21st and not when the leaves begin to change colors and fall off the trees. In fact, it surprised her that all the seasons start on a certain date instead of a change in nautre.
When i was young, my mother told me "when you see 11:11 on a clock it means somebody somewhere is thinking about you at that moment".
I used to believe that each year was like a circle, with December at the bottom and July at the top and when I thought about what month it was, I'd imagine myself standing on the circle. It still seems to make perfect sense to me!
When we flew to California from Chicago by an airplane the first time, I thought it took only two hours to get to get there. Then I found out that it took four hours because someone announced that the local time was 5:30PM. We left Chicago at 3 PM (Central Time Zone) and I didn't know what time-zones really is!
In 1st grade my teacher told me to remind her that I had to leave at 1 pm for a dental appointment. I thought that meant I had to remind her every few minutes, so from 8-1, I raised my hand every 15 minutes or so & reminded her. She never got mad or acted like I was doing something strange!
no one really explain to me the concept of time, so from about 4-6 i thought that one day was a year
I used to believe that 1, 3, 9, and 12 o'clock happened 3 times a day and the other times just happened once
When I was a child I used to believe after 9 of the night, it was a new day. I didn’t know that the day ended at 12 midnight.
When I was younger I used to believe that before nap time was "today today" and after nap time was "tomorrow today"
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