i used to believe

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When I was three, my mom would have to wipe my butt because I couldn't reach. One day, when my mom went to work, and my dad was asleep, I had to go poop really bad, so I just decided to go on my own. As I sat on the toilet, I felt a little bump hitting my butt. I looked down and wondered where it was coming from. It hit me again. I started thinking (really ranodmly), and I thought that little mini people were shooting arrows at my butt. I never found out what that hitting was... but I betcha it was just a bug. Omg! That is still really gross, but whatever!!

Lily Hunter
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I used to be scared at pubic places when i flush the toilet I thought and water monster would come out and get me cause it was so loud I still kinda beleive it.....

Tiara 10
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I used to believe that if I did not get off the toilet soon enough, and hand would come out of the toilet and poke my butthole. I always tried to finish as soon as possible because of this. Or, if I felt like I was taking too long, I would stand up at certain intervals as to confuse "the hand," making it think that it was not all in one sitting.

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i would never sit on the toilet very long i used to sit down for a second. pee or whatever then stop and stand up and look in the toilet to make sure there wasnt a snake coming up from the pipe.

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when i was 2 3 4 yrs old i thought the toilet bowl while flushing was a monster that will flush me away i was terrified of loud flushing toilet in shopping centres

irritated kid
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i use to believe that if i flushed the toilet when i was still on it would suck me down to who knows where

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That when i was like 4 I was terrified of the toilet and that there was a little monster livving in it so my mom had to come with me to the bathroom till I was like nine years old!

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When I was little i was scared a monster would come out of the toilets.

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i belived that if i flushed the toilet with the seat up and gaint monster would come out and start smashing things

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I used to believe if I didn't leave the bathroom before the toilet was done flushing, a giant wolverine would come out of the toilet and murder me. This started when I was six and ended when I was ten. I have no idea where this came from

...no comment
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When i was 5-11, i would be afraid that if i sat down too long, a giant spider-thing would pop me in the head, eat me, and sit me back on the toilet. I had PROBLEMS!

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idk y but i still SORTA believe this, that whenever i flush the toilet i have to run out to another room that has a light on in it (and if it doesnt have one theres no use) befor the toilet finishes flushing otherwise somthing rele rele rele bad would happen. who knows wat but it just freaks me out if i dont run out of there fast enough. i try to convince myself that its not true and i know it isnt but its still scccawwwyyy.....:-D

i know im a dork, right?
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My friend Aliana told me in 1st grade that a ghost had come out of the toilet in the big stall in the girls bathroom and had written "GET OUT! GO AWAY!" in blood on the mirror, and my friend Beth ( who had moved) had gotten killed and eaten and that's why she wasn't at school anymore. So, then I was scared of the loud noise the toilet flushing made, afraid that the ghost would come out, so since my hands were all pee-y, I'd cover my ears with my elbows and go and and wash my hands, not looking in the mirror, and RUN OUT of the bathroom!! I even did that at home. My parents thought I was weird...

Alexandra B., 12
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When I was little I used to be afraid of sitting on a toilet because I thought a monster/elf/demon thing would rip my @$$ off when I was twelve I finally got rid of that fear I was a very wierd disturbed child

very wierd disturbed child
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if i sat on the toilet too long batman would come up and get me

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I used to beleive until I was like 7 that if I didn't hurry and run out of the bathroom after I flushed something would come out of the drains and eat me

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When I was little, I wasn't afraid of the dark. No, I was afraid of the alligator living in the toilet. No idea why I thought there was one, but I was always afraid to sit down in case it bit me in the butt.

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I saw flies in the bathroom one day at my grandparents house,so i went too the toilet and started watching the carefully so they wouldn't fly down the toilet and touch or tickle me!

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i saw a commercial that a roach pops out from the toilet and bites ur ass, ever since then, i always check the toilet before and after i go to the bathroom!

roach-bitting freak
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I was up at the lake when I was about 3 years old, and had to use an out house. I had some how gotten it in my head that an alligator lived in the toilet and was waiting to grab me when I sat down. I was so scared of falling in the toilet that I had to get my dad to hold me up (I wouldn't even touch the toilet), and I cried the whole time.

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