i used to believe

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I used to believe if you peed after someone else peed and didn't flush, the toilet would blow up. So I would have to flush the toilet before going, which lots of times ended in me peeing myself waiting for it to all go down.

not telling
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I used to believe that you had to put the toilet seat down before you flushed it. I used to think that if I saw the water being flushed down the toilet it was going to suck me down there as well!! Somehow lol!! And I'm still scared of those automatic flushers that you get in airports where you have to put your hand near it and the toilet flushes automatically, it really freaks me out!!

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I used to believe I had 25 seconds to use the bathroom before a monster ate my butt. So I would pull down pants & start the count down. From start to flush I had to be done in 25 seconds. I think this led to a life full of constipation.

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Umm anyone ever been in the horror section of Blockbuster and seen the cover of the cheesy horror movie called Ghoulies? Yeah, it wasn't so cheesy when I was a kid, and after I saw that you better believe my butt was hovering over that toilet for months. No way was I going to get attacked by the ghoulie in my toilet.

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top belief!

This is terrible...
When I was younger(maybe five-ish) I had heard that Elvis Presley had died on a toilet, so I always thought that if you flushed the toilet, his ghost would come out and get you. I didn't flush the toilet for 2 or 3 years...

I also thought that you got pregnant from kissing.

alena j
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For some reason I would believe that If I didn't exit the bathroom before the toilet would stop flushing Freddy Kruger would kill me. So as soon as I flushed it I would wash my hands frantically and sprint out the door.

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When I was little, my mom used to watch the X-Files alot, and once I heard her and my aunt talking about an episode that involved a woman becoming pregnant with an alien or something like that. For some reason I associated this with the toilet, and I thought there was an alien living in the toilet that would come out and get me whenever I flushed. So when I was done, I would stand up, flush, and run like hell for fear that there would be a huge flash of green light and the alien would come and get me. I had an overactive imagination.

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i used to think that the toilet was a portal to another word and if you drank the water inside it couldn't transport you so i used to get my dog fluffy and make him drink all the water. my mom always got mad when there wasn't any water in the toilet!

scardy girl
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I used to think that when you flushed the toilet but Was still sitting on it a worm would slither up your butthole

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top belief!

I was always kind of afraid to use public bathrooms because i thought that if anybody else was in there and they heard me they would go back to there group of friends and talk about the noises they heard

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I used to believe that snakes could climb out of the toilet and bite you. So every time I had to go I would pre-flush the toilet no less than 3 times before I would even sit on it. Just in case a snake was crawing up the pipes he would be dissoriented him long enough for me to pee in peace!

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My sister was taking too long washing her hands in the bathrom, so I told her that she had to hurry up or else a monster would come out of the toilet and get her. But then, I started to believe that it would actually happen, so Id wash my hands first, THEN flush the toilet and run out as fast as I could.

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I used to belive that when you flushed the toilet, the potty monster came and tried to drag you down into the sewer.

I also belived that the potty monster would come and try to eat the person that was closest to them!

Once, when my dad flushed the toilet, I screamed "DONT! Mr.Pottymonster will either eat you or drag you down to the sewer!" He looked at me like"what the HECK!"

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When I was around 7 or 8, I believed that a witch lived in the toilet. I have no idea where I picked this up. But anyways, I believed that this witch couldn't do anything until you flushed. So every time I would flush the toilet I would run like hell to the living room where I would be safe.

Robert B.
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When I was little I saw the episode of The X Files where this weird man like creature lived in the sewers living off of people's feces so I was afraid to go to the bathroom until my mom told me it wasn't real.

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When I was little I was afraid to flush the toilet because I thought that it would suck me in.

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I used to believe that if you sat on the toilet for too long, your poop would turn into a giant poop ant and eat you. I also thought you would live forever inside that ant...

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That monsters inhabited the toilet. After flushing I would sprint from the bathroom

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when i was about 5 my brother told me that there were twin brother alligators called Tweedle-dee and Tweedl-dum living in the sewers. he said there were friendly and some times come up form the toilet to visit people. let's just say i was terrified of sitting on toilets. i thought an alligator would bite me, so i would try to be as fast as i could. (this didn't help at all because i was already afaid of getting flushed so i would hit the flush lever thing and jump back as far away as i could)

my dad had me convinced for the longest time that there were such things as jackalopes (a dangers mosners that is a cross between a jack rabbit and an antalope) he even had a picture of one.

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When I was in Kindergarten I never ever went to the bathroom. For some reason I thought that the door to the bathroom would open up to some huge place where everyone in the world needed to go to the bathroom. Needless to say I was very afraid that would get lost or run over or something!

Imagine my surprise when I couldn't hold it anymore one day and all that was there was a little room with 1 toilet!

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