fear of
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When I was younger, I had a weird fear of using the toilet after certain people had done so. If relatives were visiting and a boy cousin who teased me was the last to go to the bathroom, even if I thought I'd burst for having to go so bad I'd hold it in. I'd dance around and when my mom questioned, "Why don't you go use the restroom?" the response was, "NO, YOU GO FIRST!" I remember I once begged her to go and use the toilet because I had to go "so badly". I said this as though it were the most logical thing in the world. She once got very angry with me in one of these situations and said, very sarcastically, "Well, you'll just have to go in your pants, then." Imagine her surprise when I looked up at her and said, "Okay. What now?"
I used to believe that the devil would come out of the toilet, so I used it as quick as I possibly could.
I used to think that when I flushed the toilet, I'd get sucked into it, so I'd run out of the bathroom...or I just wouldn't flush.
Eventually, I stopped believing that I'd get sucked in, so I'd have to watch the toilet flush before leaving the bathroom (I have fears of evil things being behind me...I guess I consider the noise of the toilet flushing to be evil...). Sadly, now I still do that.
I used to believe that every time i flushed the toilet a monster could pull me into the drain so i still close the toilet lid every time before i flush (i dont sit on the lid anymore though)
i used to belivie that aliens traveled through the sewer so whenever i flushed i ran really fast away
me and my frend missy were sleepin at her house and everytime someone flushed the toilet...it would sound like an old man was laughing in her pipes..it was so wierd...she claimed it was her dads movie...but their tv was off...so i told her there was a man laughin in the pipe and i made a song about it and i scared her in her own house...but someone did die in her house so she totally believed me...it was funnnnny!! but creepy at the same time...
When i was little, i pooped a LOT. and my cousin noticed this. she told me that if i poop too much,the poop would lift me up, and crush me against the ceiling! so ever since then (i was 4,) untill i was 7, i always flushed after a piece of poop came out!!!
When i was little i thought that when ever you sat on the toliet seat that a hand would come up and grab me and pull me down the toliet.I wouldn't sit on the toleit seat for months until my mom told me that there was no hand inside the toliet.
I used to believe that if I went to the bathroom by myself an alligator would come out of the toilet and bite me on my butt. (Thanks to my Uncle Bill) I always took my younger sister with me if I had to go! (as a result, my sister was potty trained at 19 months of age!)
ever since i was little i though that once you flushed the toilet you had to get out of the bath room before it stoped running or it would blow up strange i know
When I was little,my older brother told me a story.If I flushed the toilet,and didn't get out of the bathroom quick enough,an evil monster would drag me into the sewers.Every time I needed to use the restroom,I ran as soon as I flushed.
Until I was about 5 I believed that snakes lived in the toilet at night. So I was afraid to go in there.
When I was a little kid, we had a BIG walk in closet at the end of our hallway, right next to our bathroom. I was 100% convinced that a monster lived in that closet, and that every time you flushed the toilet, you woke him up and the sound of the water banging in the pipes after you flushed was really him trying to break out of the closet. The few times i was brave enough to actually flush the toilet, I would run into my room as fast as I could and hide under the blankets until the banging stopped.
When i was little my twin brother once turned the light off( i was afraid to be in the dark by my self) and locked me in there with no T.P. Then yelled through the door the the sewer aligators are going to come up and eat me bottom first. the best part is... i still cannot go to the restroom in the dark!!! Thanks Bro!!!!!!!
i used 2 belive dat wen u flushed da loo a hand wud pop up so i flushed n ran
I used to believe that alligators lived in the sewers, so i was afraid to go to the bathroom. I believed that a alligator would pop up from the toilet and bite me.
My older bro was always playin trickes on me when I was 6.So one day I went to use the toilet
and I saw a dead hand(Fake dead hand).I ran screaming.....so untill I was 9 I always hated to use the toilet in fear of the hand grabing me by my penis and draging me to the toilet world.
When I was in the 1st grade, the bathroom near my classroom had painted stalls. In one of the stalls, the paint was a chipped, and it was chipped in such a way that it looked like the guy from the movie Scream. I thought that he lived in that bathroom and that was a picture that he made of himself!
I used to believe that there was a monster that lived down the toilet and that everytime u did a number 2 he was fed n a number 1 gave him a drink. i used to think that as long as he had enough to eat and drink he would not come up the drainpipe and eat me.
When I was younger I was deathly afraid of toilets. Whenever I flushed, I would run like the wind out of the bathroom-- without washing my hands. I would also leave the lights off in the bathroom so that I wouldn't wake up the "toilet monster." And at night, I would turn on one light, as far away from the room as possible, go to the bathroom, flush, then run like crazy, while trying to be completely silent, and rush to my bed. Then I would pretend to be asleep, because the toilet monster doesn't eat sleeping children. I also thought there was a big boss toilet monster, and he had lots of little... minions. And if you peed fast enough, the sides of the toilet would be too slippery for him to climb up. And then when you flushed the sound was him screaming as his got sucked into the drain like a black hole. To this day, if the toilet flushes loudly, I jump!
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