fear of
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I used 2 believe when you flushed the tiolet a snake wuld come up and bite your butt. So i wuld run out quick!
When I was little, about 3 or so because I had to have been potty trained. I would not sit on black toilet seats in public restrooms. My mother would have to put her hands down on the seat and I would sit on her hands to go pee. To this day I don't know what was up with the black seat fear!!!!!
I was always afraid of toilets, for two reasons. The first reason was that toilets often go stopped up when I used them, and when I flushed the water would rise up to the top. I was always afraid that the toilet would just spray me with nasty water some time. I was also afraid that something would touch me if I stayed on the toilet too long.
I still open the door when I flush the toilet so that I can run in case it splashes.
MY older brother once tormetd me by telling me tha if you stayed in the oilet whi was fshing you'd get sucke in ith the water and other stuff. From that day until a 16 or so had to flush the toilet and run out of the room.
The building where I grew up had really old plumbing, and when the toilet flushed it was really loud. I was terrified of the Toilet Monster. After I was done, I would stick my fingers in my ears, flush the toilet with my foot, run as fast as I could to my room and jump on my bed, and I would be safe there.
In the 70s, there were lots of reports of snakes and alligators in the sewers of New York. Yet, living in the Midwest, figured "why coulnd't it happen here?" I always had to get off the toilets quick so a snake wouldn't 'swim' up and bit me in the bottom.
I don't know why but, i used to be beleive that if you took to long on the toilet a hand would come up out of it and grab your butt
When i was little my mom would always tell me not ot flush the toilet when someone was in the shower, so i was afraid to flush the toilet because i thought that somewhere, someone was takin a shower. luckily for me (and the rest of the world) i got over my fear before i actually had left crap in the toilet.
one time, my dad and my mom were laughing, but i didn't know about what. so i asked them, and my mom said that she would tell me later. but then she left to do some errands, and i asked my dad what they were laughing about. he told me this story about this lady in new york who was at a party and went to the bathroom, and there was a poisonous snake and it bit her butt and she had to go to the hospital. i still check the toilets before i go!
A hairdresser found out that I was utterly terrified of thunderstorms and whispered a warning to my mom, that I heard and have not forgotten until this day... "my grandmother's best friend's great aunt's cousin (twice removed)... her grandson's wife's mom was struck by lightning while sitting on a toilet one night... she's fine, but the toilet split in two... the reason she didn't die is because the safest orphus to get struck by lightning is your anal orphus..."
To this day, I refuse to use the restroom during a thunderstorm...
I watched "Ghostbusters" when I was smaller. And I had seen the scene where a monster sticks his hand in the toilet. Well I was scared to go to the bathroom because I was afraid a moster would accidently think no one was there and accidently stick his hand up my buttox. So I would sing songs like "Pushing it and [ushing and pushing it wild." and other rap songs so he would be scared of me and know I was there.
When I was little I was afraid of public toilets, esp. the ones at my school. I was terrified that when I flushed the toilet I would get sucked in, so after completing my businessI would have to pull up my pants, take a deep breath, hold the door open partially with one hand, and when I was ready carefully push down the handle and run as fast as possible out of the stall.
When I was in second grade my older sister told me she was learning about 'The Black Death' at school. She told me that people would die this horrible death because rats would bite them on their bottoms when they were squatting down 'going to the bathroom'... For YEARS I believed a rats would climb through the pipes and into the toilet and bite my butt!! I could never sit on it for very long without turning to check for rats.
To this day, I have a serious rodent phobia!
after i go to the toilet i unlock the door before flushing and open the door, i then flush the toilet and pracicly run out of the toilet into my room or down the stairs. im 16 and stil afriad of something comeing out of the toilet and chasing me
My cousin was very good at making me believe things, so when i was like six he told me that when ever i flushed the toilet that mosters would come out and eat me because i disturbed theit peaceful waters. For two years i would flush the toilet and RUN as fast as i could out of the bathroom without washing my hands.
I thought a hippopotamus lived in our downstairs toilet, and the sound when I flushed was its angry roar. If I couldn`t run all the way to the stairs before the flush was finished, the hippopotamus would catch up with me and eat me.
I used to be scared to flush the toilet because i believed that when you did you woke up a giant crocodile and it would eat your legs, NOTHING ELSE!!!!!!!
When i was little (im 17 now) i was afriad of toilets with black seats. I dont no why but my mother made me go on one when i was eight and evr since im fine.there everywhere at my Tafe now so im glad im outta the avoiding them stage.
my little bro was once afraid of going in the bathroom ,but i wasn't. but then when he got over it i suddenly was afraid to go in the bathroom alone!
I used to believe the killer sponge from the goosebumps series was behind the toilet! evey time i went in the bathroom, i would always check!
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