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Yes, Harry Potter got to me.

When I was in grade two or three, our class got to go to the second or third Harry Potter movie. That night, I was freaking that Voldemort would come and get me. So, when I went to the bathroom, I would go, wash my hands. Then I would flush, and run for my life.

Also, I used to think when I would be going, a monster you come up and grab my butt.

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i used to believe that a toliet monster lived inside the pipes and that if you didnt give him enough food [pee and poo] he woud come up and eat you so i used to flush the toliet and run out of the bathroom so that he coodnt catch me in time to eat me!

ascared of tha potty
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i used to believe that if you sat on the toilet for too long you would fall in and you would have to live in the toilet forever my older brothers girlfriend told me this i used to be petrifeid of toilets.

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i used to beleive that if u didnt get out the bathroom bofore the toilet flushed a lion in a red car would come and eat me

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I used to believe that if you flushed the toilet while sitting on it you'd get cancer.

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I wasn't potty trinaed until I was 4. I have reason to believe this is because my older brother (he was 10 at the time) told me that I would fall in the toilet and drown. Well, believeing this, I refused to use the potty. That is up until one day I was doing the pee-pee dance and whining and my father grabbed me up by the armpits and said "GO USE THE POTTY!" very loudly. I'm quite surprised I didn't go right there. I managed to get to the bathroom and use the potty....crying the whole time.

Apparently I was more scared of my father's yell than I was the potty.

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When i was about three, My older brother would tell me that if you didn't flush the toilet, the king of the sewer would turn you into poo. Then he would bring you to his domain,and turn you into one of his servants.

Michael Potts
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When I was little, I believed in something I called 'the bathroom genie'. He looked like the little blue dude from Aladdin, but he lived right at the bottom of the toilet (rather than, say, the bottom of a lamp). If you didn't get off the toilet immediately after going to the bathroom, he would come out and eat you. This troubled me in the hygiene department for a few years.

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I used to think the Grinch was going to pop out of my toilet when i was younger.

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when i was about 4 or 5 my brother told me that the tidy bowl man lived in the toilet and everytime i peed he would try to bite my butt. so for a while i always made my mom go with me.

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When I was about 5 years old, I knew that the toilet was connected to the sewer. I used to watch the Ninja Turtles a lot, and they lived in the sewer. As a result, I was always wary that if I sat on the toilet too long, the a Ninja Turtle would get annoyed, pop out, and bite my butt.

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When I was younger, I used to believe that the sound the toilet made while flushing was the roaring of a monster. The monster, actually, WAS the toilet! I was afraid that it would gobble up my bum if I remained for too long, so I'd quickly flush the toilet and run through the door, zipping my pants on the way out. In fact, this isn't such a funny story because I still do it to this day.
The REALLY funny part, though? I'm almost NINETEEN.

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I don't know how this happened, but somehow, in my life, Pokemon and toilets combined.

I used to think that when you flushed a toilet, if you didn't get away from it fast enough, a Gyrados would rise from it, and bite you in half.

Maybe this is why I rarely wash my hands at home...

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When i was little i used to believe that (this was when i was extremely scared of spiders) if i sat down on the toilet a huge spider woud come up as soon as i sat down somehow, and jump on my bum and bite me!!!

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I believed that snakes that lived in the water system could come out through the toilet bowl
when I peed. In order to prevent them from surfacing I filled the bowl with toilet paper. Once I filled the bowl so much that I caused a flooding when I flushed. Boy, was daddy mad or what.

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When I was little about 4 or 5 I use to think that if I use the bathroom with the door shut instead of open the toliet would eat me. I got this idea from a movie I saw.

2 wierd
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In my younger days, combined with a SERIOUS fear of the dark, I used to believe there were flushy monsters. These would only come out at night after you flushed the toilet - when there was enough noise to cover your screams. Fortunately I had a process that kept me safe - first, turn on the bedside light, then turn on the bedroom light, walk down the hall to the bathroom and turn THAT light on, then finally turn on the hallway light. Hop on the pot, do your business, but BEFORE you flush the toilet, quickly turn the hall light off. Come back to the bathroom, and with one hand on the flusher and the other on the light switch, flip both at the same time and make a mad dash to the bedroom, flipping off the bedroom light as you passed. Hop into bed and cover everything but your eyes, then lay as silent as a rock... if nothing came to get you, it's safe to reach out an arm real quick and turn off the bedside light. This persisted for years, and is probably the reason I would occasionally wet the bed until I was seven!

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my mom used to tell me if i didn't flush the toilet then the toilet would come alive and eat me up until nothing was left of me and of course i always made sure i flushed the toilet!

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top belief!

I am a chinese(Singaporean) and parents call boy's penis "xiao niao"(birds). I also saw a news article about snakes being found in toilet bowls. So here comes my fear: I did not dare to use the toilet or sit on it at all because snakes live in toilet bowls and they will eat your birds(penis) because i did learn that snakes do eat birds. I dared not enter public toilets and i would make sure i had a stick around me when i was at home in the toilet and also having adults around. It was really scary then but really stupid when i come to think of it now

cheng wee
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When I was younger I used to believe that there was a vampire living in my stool and when I was sitting on it, I always had to hurry up, because it wanted to bite my butt. But the vampire wasn't alone - he had a servant, you know, an Igor-kinda of guy with hump and really nasty face, like one of those monsters that serve all the Draculas in animated films. He was really dumb and he always made his master mad, because he sad something stupid. The vampire always got busy with smacking him in the head, and I had time to escape. It was really funny to lisen to theit little confersations, like a comedy ^^. I guess I own Igor a big time - thanks to him I still have a butt!

Maja ^_^
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