i used to believe

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When I was little I used to believe the toilet would suck me down if I didn't get off it immediatley after flushing it. As soon as I was done I would jump off the toilet and run out of the bathroom in fear of being sucked in.

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I was convinced that there giant tarantulas living behind the toilet and if I flushed the toilet they would know i was there. So i would flush the toilet and then run away as fast as a i could incase the they attacked me.

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When I was little I believed, when you flush toilet, there will appear big vacuum cleaner's pipe and suck you with your bussinnes... that's AWFUL!

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One time I was at McDonald's with my grandmother, and I had to go to the bathroom. She told that she needed to come with me so that no bad men come and get me in the bathroom. From that day on, I always checked behind the toilet in the bathroom stalls, and inside the toilets to make sure nobody was in there waiting for me!

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When my mom was pregnant with my little brothers, I was always afraid of her using the toilet. You see, I had always believed she might poop the baby out on accident, because my mom wouldn't tell me where babies came out, but that it was near her butt. She finally had to explain to me that everything was safe, and that it was too early for her to have the baby anyways. *Sigh...*

Mommy Patrol
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i believed the tidy bowl man was real and if you did not keep the tiolet clean he would bite your naked bum one day.

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When i was young i saw a movie poster with a scary little monster in a toilet.It had such an impact that for years i would check the toliet for monsters before using it.Then look down the entire time to make sure nothing was there.

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I was scared of E.T, and I thougt that he was going to come up my toilet with an alien gun and zap my butt off....

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when i went to australia (mountainous area in melbourne and we got alot of spiders(big)) in 1998 with my dad and i lived with my grandparents my grandad told me about trap door spiders (i have arachnophobia btw) and he said that they live under the toilet seat and when u go to have a poo they would bite ur ass and u would die (it wasnt the thought of death that scared me just spiders on ur ass/being biten lol), everyday for the next year i lived in australia i constently checked under the toilet seat, and sometimes id be scared to check incase they jumped on me or something, ive outgrown that now, im still very scared of spiders though

spider dunny
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i was and still am scared of flushing the toilet when i go at night when everyone's asleep. i imagine a huge monster or person with a knife about to attck me....the flushing sounds like that psycho sound to me

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When I was a little girl I thought lizzards and snakes would come up and bite my bottom! So I would check in the toilet before I sat down!!! I still am kind of scared!

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I used to believe that if you where in a bathroom/ stall after you flushed it. IT (the killer clown) would come out and eat you. So IF I flushed out the toilet I would RUN out of the bathroom! Sometimes screaming... oops

monster no more
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when i was little i was scared of flushing the toylet. i diddnt think a monster was there or anything but i saw my dad trying to fix it once and it over flowed. from when i saw that i was scared that i was gonna do that.....actully when i ad my fear i did! what i did was that we diddnt have any t.p left so i used a whole box of tissues. so it over flowed and i started screeming and had to get my dad. after about a month of haveing someone flush for me or me flushing and running and hideing, my dad took me in the restroom and made me flush the toylet over and over till i wasnt scared. i was in there for like an hour!

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I used to believe that if you flushed the toilet while sitting on it you would get sucked in, so I always got off before I flushed it.

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when i was about six i heard my dad reading a story from the newspaper to my mom.the story was about a man who got bit in the but by a snake while using a port-a-potty.this terified me so i came up with a plan.i would ad garlic to the toilet water to keep the snakes away from my butt (i was very confused with superstitions...VAMPIRES are killed by garlic) later that day i decided to try out my plan. i stole some garlic and put it in the toilet. and then my mom walked in. she started yelling at me and told me that couldn't happen in the city. but i thought the newspaper was like the modern day bible so i was still afraid to go to the bathroom. i rushed in the bathroom until about fith grade. i still rush sometimes and im in eigth grade!

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I believed there's an another world in sewers. One time I've dropped a coin into the bowl and I've flushed it. Next week I was terribly afraid because I thought some guys from "toiletworld" will come at night an draw me into the toilet. How stupid

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I used to believe that the guy from spice girlz movie that came out of the toilet and kid nap me!

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I use to think that if you flushed the toilet a scary monster would come out of it.

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When I was little, I used to have a special plastic seat that I used on the toilet. I believed that this prevented me from falling in the toilet. I thought that since I was just a kid, my bum was too small and I'd fall inside the toilet and my bum would get stuck and a firefighter would have to come to our house and pull me out. At that time I believed that if I fell inside the toilet and flushed it, that I'd get sucked down the drain and never see my family again.

Seatie Sweetie
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Until i was like 8 i thought if i flushed the toilet, the boogeyman would come up and kill me so everytime i went to the bathroom, i would flush it and run or make my brother stand in ther and flush it while i stood on the other side of the door.

lil kid
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